Acid throwing, vitriol attack on the daughter of Amma hawa

(Maryam shaheen, rawalpindi)

It's an abhorrent atrocity, no matter where and who is committed. Acid flung in someone's face or body leaving the victim blaze, maimed and disfigured. Wistfully, it occurs innumerable times around the globe, and horrible truth victims are mostly women’s and sometime children. Numerous reports are not reported, because victims are bound by their society to stay silence.150 victims of acid violence reported every year in Pakistan, while the accurate figure is expected to be greatly superior. It's a form of violence that has increase across the humankind, Acid attack doesn’t just destroy one’s face and body, it damage their whole personality, identity and many more,; It causes great illness both in physically and mentally to victims and enduringly spoil their psyche. According to the report victims especially women’s are not being given quick and well medical care and few look for official act after being assault. Several cases are not even reported to police so the definite figure of crime is far inferior than we think law gives acid burn survivors some legal alternative, but as stringer. Pakistani acid attack victim sometime do numerous surgeries over more than a decade to revamp their injured face and body but lastly decided death is better to life. Women’s in Pakistani society faces life more horrible than death after facing acid violence on them because men’s are more dominated than women. Report from AGHS Legal Cell has originated in which it has been looked violence against women either it may be burned or face acid attacks is on the get higher in the country. Mostly those Women are who discredit their families are targeted of these attacks. Acid attacks are also not only present in Pakistan. It is also common all around world. Mostly acids used to attack are hydrochloric, sulfuric, or nitric acid, because they speedily burn through flesh and bone. The second acid touches victim’s skin; it’s cold, dry feeling earlier than the skin start liquefies in cruel. These types of violence take place for many reasons but mostly seen issues are domestic or land disputes, dowry demands or revenge and sometime when young girl or woman reject sexual advances or rejected a marriage proposal. When these women raise their voices, and move their feet and empower others to create change, our society move them down and their step gone waste less or may face sometime they again faces these violence. In Pakistan, the Acid Survivors Foundation has been running for many years to remove acid violence from country where currently an acid attack increasing. Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) Pakistan provides legal support to victim who is being injured. Many other organizations are present in Pakistan and around the world to overcome this crime but sometime it happened behind the curtain it’s a senseless crime that has to be out from the country. The biggest cause for the high frequency rate of acid attacks is that acid is cheap and easily accessible in market also there are no official limitations imposed on buying or selling acid. Everyone including children can purchase acid easily from nearby market. Acid is also greatly used in many households as a cleaning agent. Acid attack criminal do not usually propose to kill their victims, but to cause enduring physical spoil and emotional pain. Even if the criminal does not aim to cause death, the injuries continued by the victim change in death. Country owner have to make rules to decrease the rate of acid attack by controlling the buying and selling acid around the boundaries or decide heavy punishment if they violate the law .Banning the use of concentrated forms of acid for household purposes where less potentially harmful alternatives are available.

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