
(saddiqa Orazgani, Quetta)

The word Education means instructing, culturing and schooling the minds which are empty. It is an essential in Islam to be educated and to educate people who have thirst for knowledge. It brings awareness and prosperity in societies and illuminates the minds with the light of wisdom. A man (both Male & Female) is allowed to get mundane education besides the Islamic education. Today the technological advancement has compelled every one to accelerate the pace of advancement and improvement which can only be done with the help of education.

The illumination around us; obvious or unobvious is the fruit of education. Our Holly prophet (PBUH) was not only the messenger of Allah Almighty, but he was an educator as well who preached Islamic thoughts to all mankind.

Today a thought has been developed in our minds that education is only a source of earning and this thought has spoiled the real sense of education. In any sphere of life we are in need of education, be it the field of science or arts, or the life of common house-wife. It should not be considered as the source of bread and butter earning rather it must be spread in society with logic to increase the strength of skilled and creative citizens.

We Muslims have a rich heritage of Islamic teachings and culture, so, we must try our best rather do our best to enlighten the innocent minds with actual spirit of education, then we may be able to stand in the string of civilized and prosperous nations with pride of being a true Muslim, and a faithful Pakistani.

saddiqa Orazgani
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