How to Improve Study Skills

(Afshan Younus, Karachi)

Do you feel sleepy when you sit to study or you feel headache with books around you? Almost all students face the same situation when they try to study specially during the exams. Here are a few tips to make sure you are on the right track when it comes to studying.

1. Figure out your learning style. Everyone learns in a different way. The best way to improve your study skills is to first figure out how you learn.
If you can remember things better by listening to someone else explain them, or feel like you can get more accomplished with some soft music or background noise when you study, you are most likely an Auditory learner. Try tape recording class lectures or discussions and play them back later when you sit down to study.

If you need to see things written out or prefer reading your textbook to understand the material, you are probably more of a Visual learner. Take notes during class so you can read them later. Try to fit your material into graphic organizers or draw pictures to help you remember.
Are hands-on projects how you learn the best? You might be a Tactile/Kinesthetic learner. Role playing, recreating projects or scenes and lots of movement (like pacing) could help you study more effectively.

2. Learn time management skills. Organization is the key to improving study skills. Set out a plan before you begin and stick to it. It will not only help you accomplish your goals, it will keep you on track time-wise.

3. Study in short bursts. There is nothing worse than burnout when you are trying to study. Don't try to do a marathon session of studying, as you will not be able to remember everything all at once. Take breaks every now and then between chapters or subjects to give your brain a rest!

4. Block out distractions. Turn off your phone, shut off your IM program and the TV, and close your door. Nothing will derail your studying as quickly as interruptions. If you really want to be successful, you need to focus.

5. Cramming is not the answer! Don't put off studying for a test until the last minute. Most teachers give you plenty of advance warning before an upcoming test. Study small sections at a time over a span of days and you will remember more. Then you can review everything right before the test if it is necessary. You might be surprised at how much you actually remembered.

Take your time, make a plan, and stick with it. The key to improving study skills is to study smart, not hard.

Afshan Younus
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