Science: A Boon or Bane

(Mumtaz NASH, Sukkur)

The phenomenal progress of science has revolutionized every field of life. The influence of science can be seen in every walk of life. Science has provided us with many wonders. It has completely changed the living style of people. The lives that we lead today are far different from those of our forefathers. If our ancestors happen to visit the modern world they would not be able to recognize it. Its complexion has changed during the last three hundred years or so. In a way the world has become a fairy- land as compared with the ancient time.

Blessings of science are numerous. Its contribution can be seen in the whole world. No aspect of our lives remains untouched by the offshoots of science. It has enormously increased happiness and comforts of human beings. From home to office, farm to factory, village to town, in short, everywhere in life we can observe unlimited blessings of science. Science has made our domestic life very easy. Now we don’t have to work very hard. With the help of the latest cooking devices meals can be cooked quickly. Food can also be preserved for a long time in the refrigerator. Clothes can be washed in washing machines. Thus we can enjoy ourselves more leisure life and can save a lot of our time.

Science has also given us fans and air conditioners. With the help of these we can save ourselves from the scorching heat of the sun in the summer and keep rooms warm by means of room heaters in the winter. Thus our houses are lighted, cooled and heated with the latest scientific gadgets. Electricity is really a great wonder of science. All types of machinery can be run with its help. Rooms can be lighted, water can be lifted and trains can be run with electricity.

Miracles of science have made travel a luxury. There are various modes of traveling available to us. We can travel by railway trains, motor cars, buses and steamers etc. The aeroplane has brought different countries quite close to one another. Within a few hours we can travel thousands of miles and reach different corners of the world. Hence all the nations of the world have become one family. The world has really become small. The bicycles, motor- cycles, ships and Jumbo jets of the twentieth century are the beautiful gifts of science.

The progress in information technology is greater than most other blessings of science. This is the age of information technology in which computers are used to spread out maximum information and knowledge all around the world instantly. On account of the rapid development in the field of information technology the whole world is in our pocket. We can talk to our kith and kin at thousands of miles away from us with the help of modern scientific devices like telephone, mobile phone, wireless, etc. internet is the fastest mode of communication. It is of the immense utility in the field of entertainment. Through the facility of Internet now man can get access to the latest information about the happenings of the world. In this modern era we can also send messages and emails to different parts of the country and even to all corners of the world within a few seconds. On the television we can not only hear the voices but also can see what is being telecast. However, the revolutionary changes in the field of information technology have made the whole world a global village.

Science has also helped mankind to fight against dangerous diseases. It has lessened sufferings and miseries of man with the advancement of medical science now man can be saved from the fatal diseases. Many diseases which were incurable in past can be cured now. It has worked wonders in the field of surgery. Operations can be carried out even on the delicate parts of the body like brain and heart. Transplantation of hearts and kidneys has become possible. With the help of X-rays hidden diseases in the body can be diagnosed easily. It is a fact that science has given eyes to the blind. The lame has been provided with legs and ears have been provided to the deaf. Epidemics like cholera, small-pox, malaria, etc can be controlled by inoculating people against these diseases. Science has thus given a new lease of life to the diseased and injured.

Science has reduced the burden of workers too. Arduous and difficult jobs can be done with machines. It has also taken over the dirtiest jobs from man. By virtue of modern machines and instruments huge weights can be lifted and goods produced on a very large scale. Besides, science has helped us in increasing agriculture production through scientific methods of farming like better seeds, fertilizers, better implements etc.

Science has made man able to set his foot on the surface of the moon. Many mysteries in connection with the moon have been unraveled. Other planets like Venus and Mars are also being explored. If we just look around we see that dazzling progress has been made in all the fields with the help of science.

But this is one side of the picture; there is another side of the picture too. If in certain respects science has proved as a blessing, it has also acted as a curse in certain fields. Although science has made the life of man highly comfortable, enjoyable and helped him in making material progress yet it has not given him peace of mind. The useful instrument of science may be used for bad purposes. Our industries are producing chemicals for rapid industrial development at the same time the smoke they emit is highly poisonous for every kind of life. The chemicals which are used in plants to save them from insects are dangerous for all. Chemical refuse is another big problem. Our environment is going to be badly polluted day by day. In addition to this, the sound of factory machines causes noise pollution.

Internet also proves destructive in various modes. It is a double-edged weapon. It is a fact that internet is of the great utility but at the same time it has a lot of abuses. Its addiction is harmful in many ways. Its excessive use causes wastage of time. It affects our nervous and mental system. Students also spend much of their time on it instead of attending their books and studies. That’s why mostly the students are seen busy in playing YouTube, Face book, Twitter etc. The misuse of these sites ruins the character and conduct of teenagers. Moreover, there are so many unethical and illegal websites which spoil the moral of young ones. By misusing internet young boys and girls lose their status and create illicit relations among one another which result shameful for their parents as well as for the society which they belong to.

In this age of progress and prosperity science has made man a mechanical device. He works on a fixed pattern; his movements are like a mechanical man. This era has made man dependent on machines. Science has made man a slave of itself. He has been deprived of the real beauty of nature and the peace of environment. He leads an artificial life. His life has become fast and his main motive in life is only excess. Science has produced in man laziness, weakness and kept him far away from his cultures his civilizations. In the race for the economic and social advancement, he has no time to stand and stare and enjoy himself the elements of nature. He has to take pills in order to rest and sleep. Unfortunately now man cannot help living a luxury life.

“Science has produced such powerful weapons that in a war between great powers there would be neither victor nor vanquished. Both would be overwhelmed in destruction.”
(John Boyd Orr)

Above all, science has produced many destructive weapons like atom bomb, hydrogen bomb and other nuclear weapons which can destroy the world in no time. During the Second World War laces of people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the U.S.A dropped atom bombs over them in 1945. The invention of these deadlier weapons has made wars very horrible and set the world in grip of fear. If a third world war breaks out, it might destroy all life on the earth as it will be a nuclear war. Man was never so insecure as he is today.

However, it is not easy to differentiate whether science is a boon or bane. But in reality there is no wrong with science. No doubt, it is man’s greatest achievement. It is up to man whether he wants to use it for peaceful purposes or for destructive purposes. Science is such a knowledge that can be turned both into a blessing or curse. But man should always use science for the promotion of peace and happiness of mankind. It should never be used for destructive purposes.

Mumtaz NASH
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