Prudence & Farsightedness

(Shakir Mumtaz, )

Level of prudence exercised in interpretation and implementation of Qura’anic injunctions.

This story is chronicled in the annals of Islamic history from about 10 years before Hijra.

In surah Rome # 30, V, (1- 4) It was predicted that Persian (Fire-worshiper) would win the war and Roman (Christian) would lose. Then after about 7 to 9 years Roman (Christian) would win it back. Then they can rejoice and celebrate the victory. The defeat suffered by Roman was very debilitating and humiliating. Both had a group of sympathizers espousing them to win. Pagan of Mecca were on the side of Persian due to their religious affinity. Muslim sided with Roman since they were Christian--“People of Book”. Persian, as predicted, did win the war hands down. Rejoicing pagan therefore, started taunting Muslim who espoused Roman victory. They also used to boast that Muslim too would be defeated by Persian. It was obviously humiliating and hurtful.

After learning of the Qura’anic predictions, Abu Bakr (R.A) went to market-place and challenged Pagans to stop basking in Persian victory because Roman would win soon. Hearing this Ubayy Ibn Khalaf, a pagan, refuted his claim asserting that it is impossible (as it was seemingly improbable given the prevalent conditions) and labeled him a “liar”. Abu Bakr (R.A) put up a bet to prove his claim saying that-- if Roman did not wind in 3 years I would give you 10 camels. The bet was accepted by Ubayy Ibn Khalaf.

Abu Bakr (R.A) narrated this episode to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Prophet (PBUH) after listening told Abu Bakr (R.A) to raise the bet to 100 camels and increase the period from 3 years to 9 years instead. Abu Bakr (R.A) complied and Ubayy Ibn Khalaf also accepted the new terms.

Obvious questions which arise here--- (a) why “betting” was allowed, which is forbidden in Islam? (b) Why the value was increase to 100 camels? (c) Why period was increased from 3 to 9 years?

Answers to all these questions exhibit the highest level of prudence and farsightedness exercised in interpretation and implementation of the Qura’anic injunctions. This sets a benchmark for Muslim rank and file to follow.

a) Betting (which is a form of gambling) had not been forbidden till that very time and was forbidden later about 5 years after Hijrah.
b) An incentive was incorporated for opposite party to agree to increased period of time from 3 years to 9 years---by also increasing the number of camels from 10 to 100.
c) Compliance-- Qura’anic words used in verse-4, indicating the time period, are “Biza’a sineen”—which mean anywhere between 3 to 9 years.

Prudence and farsightedness
Roman, as per the prediction, won the war and Ubayy Ibn khalaf’s heir paid the bet as per the terms of the agreement. (Since Ubayy Ibn Khlaf had died in the meantime)

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) however, asked Abu Bakr (R.A) to donate the win in charity which he complied with. The wisdom behind the decision was that, although at that time gambling and its resultant win (camels being commodity) were not forbidden, he did not like the earning through gambling and also that it was below the stature of Abu Bakr (R.A). In some other versions of Ahadith a word “Suhat” is used for similar situations, which has several meanings such as undesirable, disgusting, haram. The majority of religious scholars however, have taken the first two. Therefore the decision of donating the win to charity (even at that time) was a prophetic display of prudence and farsightedness. (Now gambling earnings, in any form, are not allowed to be donated in the charity in normal circumstances).

Gambling, alcoholic drinks (including wine), divination of arrows, altar-stones all are considered to be the “work of Satan” hence, have been categorically forbidden by V-90 of surah Al-Maida.(5)

Shakir Mumtaz
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