

According to Transparency International corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain, it hurts everyone who depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority. Corruption is a curse amongst Muslims, especially the so called educated and intelligentsia. Unfortunately, it is this class that is selfish and morally and intellectually corrupt. No doubt this disease is common, but amongst this particular class of Muslims it is rampant. The great founder of our country about whom Stanley Waldport said, fewer individuals significantly altered the course of the history, fewer did change the map of the world, hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation, Muhammad Ali Jinnah did all three. The most pertinent question arises here that why he emphasized so much on this societal evil of which we are victim is that he knew well that Corruption is a true enemy to development.

If you have a glimpse at great human civilizations, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due to external threats but because of internal weakness, corruption, or a failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse. No nation in the globe dies of poverty or hunger but by one of the major ills of the democracy i.e.; corruption.

It is a matter of grave concern that corruption has deeply permeated in every strata of our society.It has become synonymous with our existing system and is pushing our nation to a dead end. Favoritism, nepotism, misappropriation of public fund, bad debts and misuse of power are on the rise. Corruption has gained roots in our society because of wrong decisions and weak policies of the successive governments. The agencies responsible for checking corruption have completely failed in their mission. Thus accountability seems non-existent. First of all we must define the corruption. Apparently, it would look like suspicious financial transaction alone. But that is too narrow view. Corruption today has become a way of life and it encompasses the ideological, moral and ethical values of society. It has become a part of our culture.

Acquiring power is the purpose of corruption, since power is needed to prevail over other persons. When succeeding, power is acquired, and its desirability causes the behavior to be repeated.

The positive rewards are the acquisition of wealth, power and dominance. The act of corruption thus becomes so automatic in the human brain that it escapes the awareness of the perpetrator of corruption. Corruption in Pakistan comes in as many forms as there could be. It comes in the form of bribery receiving and giving. It exists in the show of power and influence through real and concocted relationships with people in authority and the gains they can obtain from others. The worst form of corruption is intellectual and professional dishonesty to please or benefit a few individual at the cost of others.

The major reason of fast creeping corruption are political instability, poverty, unequal structure of society, unemployment, lack of accountability, weak political institutions and absence of rule of law. Resultant they are affecting political stability, equal distribution of resources and power, confidence of local and foreign investors and political institutions.

If we want to kill corruption at grass root level, we will have to cap those cavities where the virus of corruption nourished. If we confine ourselves to the systems alone, we will, at the most, be applying cosmetic treatment. It merely touches the tip of the iceberg. For a more lasting solution we will have to adopt effective measures to check corruption. Some of them (given below) can be helpful in reducing it if not uprooting it. People should be made aware of their rights. By providing general awareness to the masses, the chances of grabbing money from the people lower to the minimum. Institutions should be made strong for proper working of the democratic system. Proper system of accountability and check and balance should be implemented. Red tapism is the major cause of corruption and e-governance is the best solution for this solving this problem. Anti-social activities should be condemned and resisted. Justice delayed is justice denied. In time justice can minimize corruption practices, Salaries and wages should be increased in order to decrease the chances of corruption. The unemployed class should be provided jobs and recruited purely on merit. Education system must be revised and improved according to national needs. Stable governments are essential to prevail justice and to uproot corruption.Moreover, the laws must be made strict and their implementation be ensured. Unfortunately, Pakistan is a land of laws which are never implemented. One thing must be given preference that it is not the severity of punishment but the certainty of punishment that matters. Such practices put the things in order and in right directions. Therefore, strict implementation of laws is the only way forward. China after the empowerment of communist party, paved this way for a cause of change.

Corruption is social curse that must be ditched. The lawmakers in the parliament must take stringent efforts and evolve practicable strategies to eradicate the mushrooming menace. Rule of law, supremacy of the constitution and independence of judiciary and off course a free and vibrant media being the fourth pillar of the state, must be implemented in true letter and spirit. The accused must be given a cold fist. Time is ripe that drastic measures be taken to get rid of this tsunami of corruption that undoubtedly has torn and destructed our very social and economic fabric. Enough of apathy and negligence, the need of the hour is to join hands on all fronts by all members and areas of society to ouster this curse. If Pakistan wants to run in the race of socio economic development, evils like corruption do not fit in the scenario.

To curb this menace Parthia Patel said Corruption is the enemy of development, and of good governance. It must be got rid of. Both the government and the people at large must come together to achieve this national objective.

About the Author: M.MOHSIN RAZA Read More Articles by M.MOHSIN RAZA: 3 Articles with 2987 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.