کیا ہم عید میلاد النبی صلی اﷲ علیہ وآلہ وسلم منانے کا حق رکھتے ہیں

Syed Muzamil Hussain
About the Author: Syed Muzamil Hussain Read More Articles by Syed Muzamil Hussain: 43 Articles with 77784 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.

Do We Deserve To Celebrate Eid ul Milad Nabi? - Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh also spelled Muhammed or Mohammed is the founder of the religion of Islam and is regarded by Muslims as a messenger and prophet of Allah, the greatest law-bearer in a series of Islamic prophets and by most Muslims the last prophet as taught by the Quran. There are two different thinking between the people that should we celebrate Eid ul Milad Nabi (birth of Holy Prophet) or not.