Usually we all miss the
happiest days of our life in which we were unaware of the hardships of
life.childhood is the most wonderful part of the life to live but with the
changing world many children are snatched from right to childhood by greedy
profit making business.moral value are not matter to such business which
employees children as labour to minimize the cost of the labour and to get
maximum hours of work because children are unable to protest against such
injustice these workplace are not less then the torture cells for children
because they are beaten and harassed there.
child labour is against the doctrine of divine law and any law of the land but
still followed mostly in third world countries because of bad
governance.children are the future of the country but child labour exploits
their abilities and fringe their fundamental rights of education,health and free
living.Government should take immediately responce to control continuosly
increasing in child labour.