4 habits that are costing you big money

(Mian Khalid Jamil, Lahore)

According to American writer :
When looking for room in your budget, it's sometimes easier to focus on the big things: Cut the $50-a-month gym membership you rarely use. Ditch cable or satellite and save $100 a month.

Sure, reducing your big monthly bills will make an impact, but looking at the little things you do on a daily basis might add up to serious savings. Of course, the fact that you do these things regularly might make them harder to give up, but if you really need to reduce your spending, your little, everyday habits may be the place to start. Know too, that it's not all or nothing. If you're now going to Starbucks five days a week, cutting back to two will still save you money without denying you the experience entirely.

1. Smoking

The average pack of cigarettes costs $6.25, according to 2015 data from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, but prices vary widely by state (often because of taxes), where you are within that state and what brand of cigarettes you're buying. About 77% of smokers do so on a daily basis, and among that population, people smoke an average of 14.2 cigarettes a day, according to the most recent data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

At 14.2 cigarettes a day for 30 days, the average smoker goes through 21.3 packs a month (a pack has 20 cigarettes), adding up to about $133 in monthly cigarette expenses. Quitting smoking isn't easy, and depending on the method you use, quitting can be pretty expensive itself, but in the long term you may end up saving thousands of dollars you previously would have spent on cigarettes. There are also health benefits to quitting smoking, which could add to your savings.

2. Your Morning Coffee

Grabbing a morning cup of coffee — plain, drip coffee — might cost you about $1 to $4, depending on how many ounces you're consuming and where you're buying it. The fancier your caffeine fix, the more you're going to pay.

According to USA Today's coffee-cost calculator, it costs $63 a month to buy a daily cup of coffee from Starbucks and $2.40 a month if you make the same amount at home.

3. Lunch Out

Having the occasional meal out can be a nice change from eating at your desk, but eating out too much can take a huge toll on your finances. A 2013 study from Visa said Americans spent an average of $18 per week on lunches out, adding up to $936 a year. The average meal out is about $10, according to the Visa data.

If you're the kind of person who orders in or goes out frequently, you're probably spending thousands of dollars a year on meals, but you could significantly reduce that expense by making your own food more often.

4. Paying Bills Late

An occasional late payment can happen to anybody. (And if it happens to you, you may be able to get a credit card issuer to waive it.) But if late payments are a habit, you'll pay — and late fees are just the beginning. Once you are reported late, your credit score can suffer. And poor credit costs money. You can check this lifetime cost of debt calculator to see its impact, which varied depending on how much you borrow and where you live.

Mian Khalid Jamil {Official}
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