Schizophrenia is a severe,
chronic and challenging mental disorder characterized by abnormal social
behaviour and failure to recognized reality.
Schizophrenia appears in late adolescence or early adulthood. However, it can
emerge at any time in life. Social withdrawal, depression, insomnia or
unable to fully concentrate on something, deterioration of personal hygiene,
suspiciousness etc. , are the warning signs of Schizophrenia.
It is one of many brain disorders like delusions, hallucinations, disorganized
speech, loss of personality(flat affect),confusion, agitation, social
withdrawal, psychosis and bizarre behaviour. People with Schizophrenia lose
confidence in many things. They hear voices or sees things which in real life
don't exist. They sit at one spot for hours and and hours, quietness and
deep thinking become their companion. They are unable to take care of themselves
properly. They are total failure in professional or social life. Therapies,
social counseling and proper treatments can rid a scores of symptoms of this
disabling disease and people can lead a happy, prosperous and rewarding lives.
Genes and environment both play an important role in causing Schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a complex disorder which partly involves genes but other events
also matter a lot. Moreover, researches are going on to lower the risk of
Schizophrenia.Schizophrenia may cause because of genetic variety that may put
some people at a higher risk. For other there may be no signs of family history
of the disorder.
Genes plus events faced by the people are more likely to develop the disorder,
says Julia Samton, MD,the director of Manhattan Neuropsychiatric PC in New York.
Some events are in our control while some aren't: For example stress, infection,
depression, complications during pregnancy such as preeclampsia have been linked
to a
greater risk.
Childhood experiences like brain injury, sexual abuse or traumatic early
experiences may enhance the risk.
What Precautionary measures should be taken if Schizophrenia runs in a family:
1-Don't use drugs; limit drinking of alcohol etc.,
2-Avoid traumatic or abusive situations.
3-A strong social network is important for good health. So be social,
socializing helps maintain self-esteem, lower stress and makes you feel good.
Teens should be encouraged to connect with friends and avoid isolation.
4-Take care of your body. Good food/nutrition and exercise are important
5-Consult a psychiatrist if you have any symptoms, like unusual thoughts,
suspiciousness, etc., Behavioral therapy helps minimize the signs if
Schizophrenia and try
not to worry.
Myths and Facts about Schizophrenia
There are lots of incorrect informations out there about Schizophrenia but they
are not true.
The biggest misunderstanding about Schizophrenia is a belief that it involves a
split personality which means someone acts like they are two different people.
People with Schizophrenia don't have dual personalities. Instead,
they have false idea or have lost touch with reality. Schizophrenia and multiple
personality disorder are two different and unrelated conditions.
Another myth is that Schizophrenia are violent or dangerous. Such like things
are shown in movies or TV shows but in real life it's not so. A Schizophrenia
who commits violent acts usually have another condition, like childhood conduct
problem or substance abuse.
It is said that Schizophrenia is caused due to bad parenting especially by the
mother. Genes play important role in Schizophrenia but because of parents you
are not destined to get it.
Another myth is that people with Schizophrenia are stupid. It's not so. Many
extraordinary and smart people in history have had Schizophrenia ,such as
Russian ballet dancer Vaslav Nijinsky and Nobel Prize winning mathematician John
In old times people with Schizophrenia were thrown in hospitals for a long times
but now they may live with family or in supportive housing in the community.
Schizophrenia may have jobs after proper treatment and care.
They can have productive and fulfilling lives after extra care, therapies and
Many people with disorder are not ready for treatment. This is again another
problem. But you being their close relatives are supposed to convince them and
get ready for treatment. In the end
I would like to say that Schizophrenia is a curable disease so take
responsibility of your affected loved ones and help them in clearing this