(shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)

Piracy is an international crime. This crime is committing on the open sea. The usually ships was voyage to others states in the meanwhile looted by the sea robbers. It is called piracy. We had seen the example of S.S Lotus Case which was held between Turkey and France at 1912. The S.S. Lotus was the captain of France Ship. He intends the voyage to Spain but meanwhile crossing the Turkey Ocean. Uncertainly they understand the ship which was loaded in mines & oil. That would be enemies of any states. The France ship was attacked and crash the ship on the territorial ocean on the Turkey. The navy of the Turkey was capture ship and his captain S.S Lotus. The Turkey was claiming the damages by the France. The France government was denied to give compensation.

The Turkey was took this dispute into notice of International court of Justice. The Turkey was filed the suit in the International Court of Justice. The Turkey demands the compensation of his loss which was occurred by his territorial ocean. The France counsel was arguments that it was not a territory of Turkey before it would not be set any principle on sea surface. That it was not a fit case for compensation which was demands by the Turkey. The Turkey was arguing that it was not a right to crash the turkey ship. Moreover, it was also violates rule and regulation of his territorial jurisdiction.

The international court of Justice was declared that it was made compensation. The ICJ declared that it was violation of the territorial jurisdiction of open sea. The France was given the compensation to turkey.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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