Supplementry Exams

(asma, bhimber)

There are three kinds of exams:
1-annual exams
2-supplementary exams
3-exams for improving divisions

First kind of exams is not liked by fashion able students.
Intelligent students do not like 2nd kind of exams
And the genius students do not like third kind of exams.

But my topic is about Supplementary Exams in Pakistan.
This is the worst exam which makes a regular student into private student.
his\her all tuitions fees are wasted because of private degree.
He can not get a job or admission in new class because of one or two subjects.

I want to end up this kind of exam. I have some suggestions:

1. If a student gets upto50% marks in passed subjects then there should be grace marks
For passing 2failed subjects.

2. Record of internal institutions should help to pass the failed subjects.

3. There should be merit for passing marks like60%marks in any three
Subjects, upto40%marks in 50% of subject’s and20%marks in any 20%of the subject.

4. Paper rechecking in failed subject should be free.

5. Jobs must be same as passed candidates for supplementary students.

6. Internal record of exam must be written on the result card of every student,
Because only annual written paper should not the standard of success.

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