
(Shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)

Law of Easement

Easement mean easily way to go or easily way to get access of his pre-right. This act provides relief to the public. The easement act is providing civil remedy. The Easement Act is applicable in Pakistan. The easement has been suspended and renewed. The easement is also destruction and dismissed for short time. Whereas the provision has been available for renewal of easement may get the right. Easement is a right of owner of the property. No person can claim easement to pass others property and expect there is no specific way for crossing it but it will not danger for spoiling other property. It is mandatory for acquiring easement that the actual right infringement.

The purpose of easement act is to provide facility for public when his right of way or place infringement. For example a man has been possessed land area for cultivation since, 1970. But it has not owner of the said property and not a tenant. The period of cultivation has been crossing 20 years. No one can dispossess to him from his property under the easement Act.

Private property 20 years (without intervene possess property) easement act applicable
Government Property 60 years (without intervene possess property) easement act applicable

The rent houses, tenants who have taken lease from anyone exclude from easement Act. There is no right of easement. Whatever they are living any house or cultivation of any land since 20 years. A person can get civil remedy who illegal dispossess from his land. That he can claim for his right of property under easement act. There are many evitable incidents (call vis-major) when the right of easement has been infringement. The evitable incident means flood and all natural things which are not control of human being etc.

For example A has kept a farm of fishes adjacent to B farm of fishes. It is suddenly leakage of soil and made whole A fishes transfer to B farm. It is natural incident and A has filed a suit but his suit is not maintainable under the Easement Act. That the B intention not to do so.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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