Terrorism And Possible Solutions

(Imran Mangrio, Sanghar, Sindh)

The people of the world face personal and collective danger from the spread of terrorism. What exactly is terrorism? Well, there are many different definitions out there. However, these definitions have certain things in common. Terrorism involves extraordinary violence. It is intended to create massive fear and involves a planned attack for a purpose, often against something or someone. Terrorism cannot be justified under any valid interpretation of the Islamic or non-Islamic, faith. Scholars from every faith speak out against terrorism in all its forms, same the way its fact that violence cannot stop violence. We have to break the cycle of violence, renounce violence, start practicing creative active nonviolence on a level that the world has never seen, and reach out and embrace the world’s poor by meeting their every need. Then, we will win over the world, and no one will ever want to hurt a Westerner again. On that new day, we will sow the seeds of love and peace and discover what a world without terrorism, war, poverty, and fear is like today. Therefore I think we can stop violence or terrorism by adopting dome other ways let us see other means helpful in reducing terrorism.

Reciprocal respect Inter religions
There is no doubt that the need for inter-religious respect has become even more pressing today., One vast field for the promotion of peace and reducing the terrorism is respect of each others religion and coexistence among the faithful is cooperation among followers of all religions. The concept of inter-religious respect and coexistence must extend to include also the removal of causes of tension, turmoil, and instability in many parts of the world,. Inter-religious respect will thus can be an efficient instrument for supporting the efforts directed to the achievement of peace, the knitting of sound relations among peoples and nations under the scope of international law, the respect for human rights and the concretization of the basic freedoms stipulated in international covenants, treaties and agreements and reducing tension. Inter-religious respect must be geared toward supporting all the people subject to refrain from making injustice and unfavorable comments which may cause tension among the religion like recently excitative event of making cartoon of holy prophet (PBUH), which resulted in problem and tension among the religions in this circumstance its duty of states to circumstances without exception, compelling the perpetrators of these kind of events to justice, persecution and punish them at the state level , community or individual level, to observe the rules of international law and abide by the teachings of the revealed religions and boycott this kind of dirty mind person who wants to disturb our peace.
Dialogue among civilizations

One of the most important methods of conflict resolution is through effective communication channels between different civilizations/ religious communities so that rumors can be squashed and problems solved before they become too big. Dialogue is an important aspect of human life and a significant category of social activities, the year 2001 was designated by the United Nations as “the Year of Dialogue among Civilizations” at the dawn of the new millennium. It was a major move based on relevant resolutions adopted by three successive UN General Assemblies and promoted vigorously by the United Nations. Persistent progress of dialogues among civilizations or cultures will not only benefit the healthy development of human civilization, but also be conducive to the healthy evolution of international relations.

Dialogue is crucially important. We must replace confrontation with dialogue. President Khatami said that “among the worthiest achievements” of the 20th century are the “acceptance of the necessity and significance of dialogue and rejection of force”. Elevation of human civilization, whether at national or international level, “is contingent upon dialogue among societies and civilizations representing various views, inclinations and approaches”. If humanity at the beginning of the new century and millennium “devotes all efforts to institutionalizing dialogue, replacing hostility and confrontation with discourse and understanding, it would leave an invaluable legacy for the benefit of the future generations”. Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali said that only through sustained state-to-state dialogue and exchange of views, would it be possible to promote democratization of international relations, which would serve as the foundation of the world peace. He added, “War and conflicts originate in human hearts and minds. We should hold dialogue with souls of the people … our hopes for a new type of interstate relationship may be realized through cross cultural exchanges and dialogue.”. Abstractly speaking, it is a form of interaction among social forces; a means either for communication or avoiding conflicts and moderating confrontations. Therefore no one can deny of the importance of the dialogues among civilization, cultures or states and it is also necessary that dialogue must be on the equality basis.

Few would deny that education is one of the most important cornerstones of all human societies. Education is one of the important pillars upon which a state can raise of fall. We all say that an educated person can differentiate well between god and evil, right and wrong, sounds good and realistic. In many undeveloped/ least developed countries education is not widely available to all citizens. Many of the boys and young in these countries get their education. Education as a very important element to any nation; an educated nation is a powerful nation and knowledge is power. Public education is the most important; everything depends on it, the present and the future. Good education is the only way one can break the cycle of poverty and ignorance, and to fight terrorism In his first annual address to congress on January 8, 1790, President Washington said that education was “the security of a free constitution” …that, through education, a free people would know and value “their own rights”…and would be able to “discriminate the spirit of liberty from that of licentiousness.

Unemployment/poverty has contributed to heightened terrorism. Around 200 million youth, or 18 per cent of all youth, live on less than one dollar a day, and 515 million on less than two dollars a day. It is estimated that globally, some 100 million youth are currently enrolled in university-level education. Unemployment/Poverty is a leading factor to extremism and terrorism in developing countries and this can be carried to developed countries. In the recent years, terrorists are increasingly recruiting poor and vulnerable youths and exploiting them for their selfish purposes. The continued deterioration of the status of youth, who face growing levels of marginalization, epidemic diseases, functional illiteracy and substance abuse are some of the major socio-economic challenges facing the youth. Unemployment also has severe damaging effects on young people. They suffer low self-esteem, exclusion from mainstream society and impoverishment. Rather than battling extremists, I think developed countries must expend resources battling against unemployment problems that face people in developing countries. I can boldly say that decrease Unemployment solves Terrorism

Media role
The role of the media – even the “classic” media, such as newspapers, radio, and television – has changed over the years, has by and large played a positive role in fighting against terrorism. But there is still need to be honest it mean present each and every thing to the general public without any bias. One of the major functions of the mass media is the provision of adequate information about ongoing or current events in society as a way of serving the public need to know.

Repeated broadcast of the two aircrafts crashing into the two towers of the World Trade Centre in the 9.11 attack, same the way its duty of media to report the casualties of civilian caused by UN forces in Afghanistan and same the way in Waziristan in drone strikes or nuclear program of Iran and, same the way media must high light Nuclear program of Israel.

Imran Mangrio
About the Author: Imran Mangrio Read More Articles by Imran Mangrio: 6 Articles with 50946 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.