(Imran Safdar, Faisalabad)
This is very current that today
our national great hero Dr Qadir Khan relased from all cases is run against in
the court this day is also memory for our great hear and our nation because he
is astonish free from all rogue pardon notorious offender with honesty dignity
courage and uniquely. Our history is rich God give us many hero and power
peoples who spend their lives and power for the success and destination of
Muslims and Pakistani nation.
This days is also big grand day and our desire manifesto attribute is pleased
courteous safe and stridden wise. Our nation tendency is also depend great and
clean habit society under come gone healthy culture who run pertain long life
for the developed and success of nation and pious country.
Submit congratulation our great national hero and hope pride pray about his all
honor regards respect and dignity among harmony and enthusiasm. Our best wishes
always for his long life and flourish stead zeal.