(Laila Siddiqui, Karachi)

Anger is something people these days are unable to control. Every single being has left taking their anger in and not letting it out to others. In this present era, nobody remembers the command of ALLAH that letting your anger out to anyone, is totally sinful. People nowadays are generally so frustrated that they do not even receive any reminder of this order of ALLAH,they do not possess any kind of morality.

The thing is everyone is losing their temper and being harsh to others very commonly these days but no one gets the seriousness of that command of ALLAH.This is something people severely need to understand.

The anger even leads people to do murder, violate environment and all such sinful and shameful activities, on which people regret hereafter. Anger makes a man go mad at extreme even the man does not understand at a time about his actions but when his mind gets able to understand something, everything would have got regrettable. This anger which ALLAH has forbidden, contributes alot in the great crime rates of a country and as we see many countries are now being a victim of these "ANGER MASSACRE" ,this anger has taken over alot of catastrophes and tolls.

If people realize that anger control matter deeply or if they oath not to lose temper at any cost then thousands of man-made disasters can easily be controllable and this world would be more peaceful as it used to be.

Laila Siddiqui
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