Indigenous people are those
people who or inhabited a land before it was conquered by colonial societies,
and may have different, often unique—cultural, social, traditional, and other
characteristics to those of the dominant culture of that region or state. There
are approximately 370 million indigenous people are in 70 countries worldwide.
Historically they are in the center of conflict for access to valuable resources
because of where they all live or, in other cases, struggling to live the way
the other people live. Indeed, indigenous people are amongst the most
disadvantaged people in the world.they have right to live much better life
because they deserve it.
Indigenous peoples around the world have sought recognition of their identities,
the ways they live their life and their right to follow their tradition on their
native lands, territories ; yet throughout history, their rights have been
they almost live in all countries, all continents of the world. all people of
the world have right to self determination by virtue. their is one thing in
common in these people, they all have a history of injustice, indigenous people
have been killed ,and tortured and their rights have been violated. The
indigenous people of the world are very diverse.