The Real Solution

(Shaheer Ullah Khan, Rawalpindi)

Over the last couple of days the news of the plan of a Florida church to celebrate “Burn the Quran Day (Nauzubillah) on 9th September is seeking media’s attention. The organizers have used Facebook as the platform to run the campaign. The page is not accessible in Pakistan as the Ministry of Information has blocked it in the country. About two months back the Muslim sentiments were hurt due to the holding of the “Draw Muhammad Day” by the West, and now, once again our emotions and feelings have been severely harmed.

An immense outrage has been seen among the Muslims in regard to the arisen situation. The main question which rises here is that, what can we as a united Ummah, do to prevent such happenings?

Turning violent is absolutely not the solution. You cannot change a mind set through force. You need to win hearts of those who disrespect our religion and that can only be done through a logical argument and reasoning. We need to fit in their minds that Islam is a religion of peace, tranquility and love. It condemns violence, anarchy and terrorism. Islam teaches to foster love, affection and respect for each other. Quran is the most sacred book. A book which teaches the real meaning of life and the genuine way of living it. It’s the book of universal guidance towards success-both in this world and in the life hereafter. It’s burning is an extremely condemnable act and it should be stopped immediately, at any cost. We Muslims respect all other religions, and therefore we expect the same treatments from others, towards Islam. It is a known fact that a faction of the West does not even regard their own religion so they should not point at us.

In today’s world media is an effective way of spreading views and voice. We should use this entire medium to oppose the propaganda and disgrace for Islam, caused by the non-believers and tell them that what Islam really means.

Let it be social networking websites such as face book and twitter or internet as a whole or the print or the electronic media. We should utilize all the ways to spread the reality.

The governments of the Muslim states should also lodge formal and effective protests to the West to stop the humiliation of our distinctive religion and the sacred holy Quran.

I am sure that once we succeeded in changing the mindset of the Anti Islamic Elements, our sentiments would be never harmed again. Hearts and minds can only be won through dialogue, as it is “The Real Solution” to all troubles.

Shaheer Ullah Khan
About the Author: Shaheer Ullah Khan Read More Articles by Shaheer Ullah Khan: 11 Articles with 11686 views My name is Shaheer Ullah Khan and I have done my “A levels” from the Beaconhouse Educational Complex, Rawalpindi.
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