Western Fundamentalists
(Yousaf Alamgirian, Rawalpindi)
Amid claims of being modern’s
societies, an American citizen and a priest Terry Jones announced to set on fire
the holy book ‘Quran’. His resolve did not only create unrest among the Muslims
but also among the sensible religious segment of different religions including
Christianity. They condemned Terry Jones will deteriorate the world peace.
Muslims reaction was obvious. America and international community while always
seek opportunities to malign and defame Muslims and Islam. Whenever they see
that Muslims are behaving calmly they design to play nasty games to instigate
Muslims to react the way they can link that with radicalization and extremism.
Sometimes back a wave of drawing caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and
posting the same on certain websites was instigated. The European lobbyists and
conspiracy theory specialist clearly know that Muslims are going to react like
anything on such moves.
Terry Jones, who is priest by profession but wicked by nature announced to set
the Muslims sacred book ‘Quran’ on fire (Nauz billahi) in order to protest on
9/11’s ninth anniversary. America and its allied forces have killed hundreds and
thousands of innocent Muslim citizens in Iraq, Afghanistan and obviously in area
along Western borders of Pakistan. In Iraq and Afghanistan they entered their
armies, destroyed the prevailing peaceful governments and occupied their land
and set rare examples of brutality and genocide in the respective counties.
On the other hand US and allied countries pressured Pak to be their ally in WOT.
Allied forces are there in Afghanistan but in Pakistan where there soldiers were
refused to undergo land operation they are throwing drones killing hundreds of
innocents so far. In short the Americas and its allied forces are killing
Muslims in the garb of 9/11 incident happened 9 years ago. Pakistan has faced a
loss of 45 billion dollars and more than 2500 troops of Army has sacrifices
their lives still Americans are not seemed to be satisfied. In fact, they don’t
want to be satisfied. They have initiated WOT to trap Pakistan where suicide
bombing and terrorist activities are now a routine matter.
Unfortunately American polices and designs are not genuinely sincere. America
has two different faces from inside and the outside. It outer face is helping
the third world contains in their development and posing as a sincere friend but
from core of its heart it has its vested agenda to be fulfilled. Wikileaks a
European website has disclosed the fact USA is patronizing and sponsoring
terrorism in Pakistan .Wikileaks has also disclosed that USA has recruited many
of Al-Qaida terrorists to undergo terror activities inside Pakistan. Wikileaks
leaked total number of 77000 leaks out of total 92000 leaks. There are only 180
leaks maligning Pakistan its army and ISI. But the newspapers like New York
Times (NYT) only highlighted the leaks pertaining to Pakistan. NYT totally
ignored the leaks exposing USA. This is how the West is using its media in
floating certain conspiracy theories and building opinions on issues of human
and military concerns.
Radicalization is not something pertaining to act upon beliefs and preaching of
certain religion but is a mindset and move to adopt means of insulting the faith
and emotions of other religions and instigate them to the extent in a way which
could be formed as ‘extremism’. This is what the West is doing with Muslims. The
Muslims have never thought of burning a Bible and Torah. For Muslims these are
sacred books and must be respected in true spirit. At the same time Muslims
can’t allow follower of any other religion to set on fire a holy book like “Quran”.
In US society it may not be a crime to burn a sacred book but their law do
emphasize that church is protected. The person who is a priest and is connected
with some church is supposed to be reasonably wise in not to indulge himself in
resolves promoting radicalization and extremism. Setting on fire a sacred book
like ‘Quran’ means setting on fire the sentiments of Muslims resulting an
unending wave of agitations, protests, revenge and what we call ‘extremism’
among Muslims.
It was however really wise at the part of President Barack Hussain Obama and his
administration to impose ban on this uncalled move. This step has obviously
saved the world from many of the aggressions. This is the time when radical
elements of the West must realize the fact and should come up with the same
standards of tolerance, patience, broad mindedness and wisdom which they desire
form Muslim world. So, western masses instead searching fundamentalists from
among the files of other societies should be careful of their own
fundamentalists, ‘The Western Fundamentalist’ who are very much capable of
setting fire on the peace, harmony and serenity of the entire world.