Poverty A Major Issue

(Kiran Tariq, Karachi)

Poverty is lack of basic human needs like health, education, clean water,  nutrition etc. It is a condition in which one income is not sufficient  enough to fulfill his basic needs. It is a multifaceted concept, which includes social, economic and political elements. In Pakistan it is not a  yesterday born issue, it is eating up Pakistan and now it has spread out its circle to a larger radius now. Historically it began just with  independence because of lack of proper resources at that time. In 1980 there was a slight decline in its level but the level again risen up after  1990 and till now it is rising with fluctuation of time. Every third  Pakistani is caught in the ‘poor’ bracket.

Currently about 35% of Pakistan population lives below the line of poverty. Mostly people of rural areas live below the line of poverty and two third  of our population live in rural areas. In urban areas where 40% population of urban area live below the line of poverty. Currently poverty is the cause behind many critical problems in Pakistan.

There are a lot of reasons behind poverty. Mostly people blame politics and politicians as one of the reason for prevailing poverty. Some call it lack  of good leadership, some call it bad government policies and some call it bad politics but they all are same in one. Politicians are some time not  sincere about this issue and some do not have proper plan for its solution. Bad governance also relates corruption with poverty. Corruption is the big  reason of poverty and it has griped the country from highest level to lowest level so that leads to weak economy and ultimately to poverty.  War against terror is provoking safety issues in Pakistan and poverty is proportional to safety issues naturally. Lack of standard education causes  poverty because education make people aware of every thing which could be used efficiently with education. People here in Pakistan don’t have good  business knowledge and they don’t know which business could lead to greater  income for them so lack of education is also the leading cause poverty in Pakistan.

Other things related to poverty are our bad morality, sense of responsibility and social bonding. Pakistan moral culture is getting worse  day by day, people in Pakistan are not sincere for eradication of poverty. People here don’t feel bad about being corrupt, they don’t feel bad when public property is destroyed or when some one is a threat to country’s economy. Social bonding is weak in Pakistan they really don’t care for  others problems and issues, all they care about is their own selves they  are not honest. They don’t help poor and they don’t pay taxes so people  themselves are also responsible for rising poverty level.

Poverty is obviously not a good thing it’s a sin. It is the root cause of  many problems like diseases, frustration, hatred, bad law and order,  illiteracy and many more. A poor country like Pakistan has not enough resources to provide proper health standards to its people. Education standard is very poor in Pakistan due to poverty, people cant afford here to have good education only the upper class here has the access to good education. As education is the solution for many problems of a country poverty is the hindrance that comes in its way.

Shortly it can be concluded that poverty has totally engulfed Pakistan in  its mouth where the escape is difficult but not impossible. There are still  many ways to get Pakistan out of this disaster. Leadership has got central importance here, with proper planning and good government policies the  problem can be solved. All they need to do is to appoint well qualified economists to help them tackle this issue and obviously their sincerity for  its solution can not be ignored as well. A country economy is the backbone of its country with its solution when it is solved many problems will automatically. Alone leadership is not enough for its solution. People of Pakistan have too got responsibility with equal share. People needs to  cooperate fully with government and should be sincere with their own
country and put all their energies for ending the poverty.

Kiran Tariq
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