Price Spiral

(Tuba Saeed, Karachi)

OVER the last five years the prices of eatables have increased many times. Earlier the poor who required Rs4,000 to run their kitchens, now need around Rs15,000 a month.

consider whether it is possible for the poor and low-income group to cope with this huge increase in the prices. High costs have overwhelmed the people of all classes except the rich, because they have become the wealthiest as a result of the government’s policies.

High cost is hitting the poor so hard that it has consumed their savings altogether. It is feared that if one loses his livelihood, he might reach the stage of starvation.

Exorbitant transport fares, most expensive milk, meat, pulses, vegetables and fruits, sugar and flour are some of the items hitting the people hard. Over the last few months almost 100 per cent increase has been witnessed in rice prices. In the last one year prices of cooking oil and ghee have been doubled. Prices of food, meals and all bakery items, including meals in ordinary hotels, have also increased sharply because of the tendency of increasing the prices of commodities artificially in the absence of any government mechanism to keep prices in check, as well as in the absence consumer protection organizations.

People would not have seen such an unbelievable dearness in the past history of Pakistan. People here too, like in every responsible country want that the prices should stay firm at least for few years so that they could lead their lives with peace and dignity.

Tuba Saeed
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