Patience Is Need Of Hour

(Habiba Chishti, Karachi)

“those who show patience ,firmness and self control who are true(in true word and deed)who worship devoulty who spend (in the way of ALLAH) and who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning ((Aal-e- Imran))

patience is synonym of faith if we have patience it means we have faith in almighty allah.

Patience is virtue we all have heard many times it remains one of life greatest lessons but patience is a forgotten commodity here question arise how n why? because we see different aspects of patience and impatience in our daily lives .

Being an impatient person we want our work, job to be done in weekend we cannot wait for the right time and when we get job now we want promotion wanted to be successful with in days wanted to earn money in few nights and when we do not get expected results we usually give up we lose faith we lose patience and unfortunately these are the elements which are important and we go far away from our destinations. patience has a lot of significance and essential element of surviving a peaceful and successful life one who has complete faith on god and on his blessings that man will be respected by every one.
Teachers wanted to see their students achieving high grades and it is their to duty to provide all comforts and basic knowledge to students on the other hand some of the parents are so impatient that they want the results as soon as possible and they often scold their children when they do not get the expected result.

Allah says in quran,
“Not so do those who show patience and constancy and work righteous for themForgiveness( of sins) and a great reward.

Really patience is need of every hour every minute every second .patience is the ability to wait for the fruition of our goal: if u planted the seed of mango and your child started crying to have mango within few minutes so this cannot be possible there is a long procedure involved in it has to grow then it will bear fruit so it takes time to do worthwhile things so those who lack the patience to persist will fail to accomplish much.

Being patient does not mean that we should sit idle and waiting for the things to come no it means to work as hard and as long as necessary with out giving up

Today we can see the world progressing like the Chinese and Japanese used to weave silk gowns and kimonos .that
explains the Chinese.
With time and patience the mulberry leaf become a silk gown clearly patience is power.

The pathetic experience in our lives is on the wedding ceremonies the people rushed to the tables in such a way that they have never eat food before and people star filling their plates and bellies and mostly the food is wasted and taken in to dustbin when we lack patience we find irritations in our surroundings patience has great impact on our happiness.

Those who are always angry withdraw from the world they curse the world but those who are patient are peacemakers who embrace the world ,bless it and thank it for the opportunity to create peace.

We people are very impatient and we faced with countless irritations.

Some one tailgates on your way to work some one cuts in front of you while you are waiting in line at the post office and if some one conducting a business call and co-workers chat and laugh loudly why we face all that because patience is also an expression of compassion because we are strong and they are weak so we should accept this with a smile and wish them well.

My final words on patience are taken from the 18th century French naturalist George louis “the ability to accept delay or disappointment. To smile at.
Setbacks and respond with a pleasant understanding spirit . to remain calm while others around are uneasy .this is godly patience never think that gods delay are gods denials hold on hold fast hold out patience is genius”


Habiba Chishti
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