Fall Down Administrative System In Pakistan-II

(Shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)


Lack of interest in official duties is an illness. It should be abolished at once. It should be eradicating from the institutions. Departments should be pretend to taken serious action against the staff that who have not much attention to performing their official duties. This practice is alarming to the executive. Departments are no takes panic towards official duties. This takes time to eliminate this bad habit from the institutions. If anyone not takes interest in his job, the department may give notice to brief his position. This type of practice will reduce the efficiency of the other officials. Of course, if one worker may not work, burden shift to other official which is affect his efficiency. Mostly Pakistani officials have adopted this bad practice. This practice is reducing quality of work. Political influence in this respect is also alarming to the administration.

Some institutions has been trained their official towards duties. This trend is effective for smoothly running of official business. However, duty roster has been affixed on the notice board. The departmental policy has been informed and circulates to all the officers and officials. No official or officers has been taken French leave. The disciplinary action has been taken by the department against the offenders. No political influence has been accepted towards duties.

Find out the factors which have been bolt-neck in the way of promulgated administration rules. Find out the causes which are creating chaos among the official or officers. Instance action has been taken by the authority to remove the difficulties which are facing by the staff as well officers. The lack of interest in official staff and officer are far more concerned. Find out the way which is more beneficial to their staff members. The administrative authority has been given bonus or increment to those officials who have been performing extraordinary performing in a year. This trend is also change the whole concept of working environment and that it will have promulgated to the institution. Discourage the workers who have been seating idle. No relaxation is being given to those workers who have no panic towards their duties.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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