5 best natural tips to keep your skin healthy

(Shaf ahmed, Karachi)

Everybody wants to look beautiful and stunning, but these days where heavy traffic and factories cause pollution, people don’t look after their health and skin, That’s probably because they don’t have much time due to their busy schedule or Eating junk foods while they are working. So, really want to get a healthy and glowing skin? You don’t need to spend hours on end at the spa, waste your money on chemically made beauty products. All you need to do is to follow the 5 natural tips listed below to keep your skin healthy.

8 hours of sleep: Sleeping is the most important part in the process of health, it also plays a key role for our good skin, during sleeping your body enters into repair zone and starts to regenerates cell that helps your skin to improve. Getting beauty sleep for 8 hours will banish the dark circles around your eyes and will revamp your skin for good and the best part is, that it is free of cost. So sleep tight at night.

Water: Water covers up 70% of our body, if you are not consuming good quality water you will start to get dehydrated, and this will show in the skin on your face, it can cause stronger wrinkles and the skin will start looking dull. Water will really help flush through toxins from your body which will reduce the likelihood of you getting pimples all over your skin. Get yourself a glass of water, fill up your bottle in the morning if you are going to your job.

No stress: Stress is no joke it is very harmful to health and skin too. The researchers believe that stress increases the number of sebum, an oily material that clogs pores. As a consequence of this your acne may become worse

Reducing stress may result in cleaner skin. If you believe stress is affecting your skin, consider stress-reduction activities such as tai chi, yoga, or meditation.

Healthful Diet: Today in the modern world about 60 to 60 percent of people are eating an unhealthy diet which is the root of the destruction of their body. What you consume is just as essential as what you put on your skin. Because your food has the power to improve the health of your skin from the inside out, eating a nutritious diet is the first step toward obtaining a clear complexion. Make a list of what you should intake, tomatoes, omega-3, soy, kale, green tea, olive oil, and much more which can be beneficial for you.

Quit smoking: smoking causes cancer and heart diseases, everyone knows it but still many people are burning their health. It can age facial skin, and skin located in other body areas. Smoking narrows down in the blood vessels found in the out layer of the skin. Smoking may reduce the natural flexibility of the skin by triggering collagen breakdown and a decrease in collagen synthesis, and if you’re currently smoking the perfect thing you can do for your health is to quit smoking immediately.

Life & good health is a gift from god. But we take it for granted; but it is hung on a thread as delicate as a spider's web, and the smallest thing may cause it to break, rendering even the strongest of us powerless in an instant.”

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Shaf ahmed
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