(Shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)

Dishonest people select dishonest leadership. Thanks to Almighty Allah, we are still fall in human category. Today, I have to try to discuss main factors of failure of this government to control price mechanize. This government should aware of method of hoarding of prices who have hiked by our merchants in their business. There is lit bit confusion before starting of this topic because there are multiple factors are involving to hike prices. We are living with dishonest people. The propensity of honest in our life journey is almost 40 to 45 percent. We are so called Muslims. According to transparency International has measured our judicial system and place at no.118 in the world. Dishonesty is main cause of failure to controlling prices at anywhere. It is essential to implement effective reforms to eradicate poverty and corruption from Pakistan. The corruption and favoritism in each business sector has adversely effected and ruined our economy.

Secondly, the government has made perquisite plan to reduce the prices of petroleum products and give subsidy to basic commodity. Conversely other business cannot reduce the prices of their products. Why our merchant dishonest in this regard? This government has increased rate of income tax for businessman and merchants. The merchants who have full control in business may increase the prices of different products as they wishes. Why this happen in this state because those who have monitoring by our industry are so weak. They have not able to handle pressure and they have not been taking pressure on their shoulder. In spite of all this, there are some persons who hold key position to run the economy of Pakistan. It is big phenomena in our state. On other hand, government has shared on business almost 50% percent. There are few reasons behind to failure to control prices and government still fights these challenges which are not easy task.

Thirdly, price mechanize has not elaborated by our economy expert in Pakistan. The merchants have full authority whether exceed or decrease its prices. No one to ask them why do it? On the other hand, there some monopolist existing in our business sector. Now the question arise how this government control this mafia? Our parliamentarian who have been seating in National Assembly are directing responsible for this juncture. Every member of National assembly or provincial has done their job with honestly. The broker should arrest on time with credible evidence and punish them according to law.

It is the duty of the food inspector to monitory commodity prices where they have deployed. Unfortunately, our price control unit or Price Court fails to monitory commodity prices. Nevertheless, little fine and warning for merchants is not enough to eradicate unfair from merchants. It is mandatory for us to eradicate corrupt practices which have been done by our merchants. The magistrate or Food Inspector surprise visit in market to monitory commodities prices. The Food Inspector has ensured prices of different products are affordable for common people. Moreover, it should reintroduce check and balance system for business community.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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