Tracing the roots

(Unaiza Ghazali, Karachi)

The world has been changing from the time of its emergence and it is an undeniable phenomenon that human beings and their made materials are subject to change. The worlds saw many civilizations and cultures appearing, thriving and then eventually disappearing and demising. Archeologists conducted number of researches to find out the causes that led those civilizations to be diminished, the reasons that consequently resulted in the dramatic decline of those cultures which proved to be the dominant cultures of their times such as Maya civilization and Indus civilization. They might ended up due to the disease, the wars or the fight with climate change. No matter what they suffered, there left behind wealth speaks of their advanced abilities and control over resources. It also tells much about the modernization in which human beings live today. They also conveyed a lesson to the world that if the precautions are not taken for preventing the diseases, climate changes and saving forests, they can be highly dangerous for the upcoming generations and may result in the loss of the whole colorful civilization and culture. It’s necessary to uphold all the values of life to develop a sustainable society.

The confined buildings and cities in which we survive today and the means of communication that we use today to spread out a message all over the world in a short amount of time leave human thoughts in the state of shock that how it all happened, how it all started? Hundreds of answers are available to satisfy the mind and logic as every invention has its own history that can be traced back in the times. However, there is another history that many people hardly think of and undoubtedly which has contributed a lot to current human civilization. While going through the history, the common attitude is to find the origin of the particular invention, it is often ignored that what is the root of all of these inventions? How human started to gain control over things? The history uncovers many of the facts regarding it and it is necessary for us to get into those facts in order to have a comprehensive picture of the history not only to get fascinated, but to learn the lesson of success and survival. These were the ancestors who learnt to survive in this world by living in the caves, using the fire, cooking food and utilizing the different parts of the earth for multiple reasons. They invented small tools to ease their survival. All the innovations that we see today are indeed the result of the mindsets that existed thousands of years ago. The studies reveal that the people of that time used variety of ways to cook food and made tools for their safety and luxury. All the things of today whether it is art, governance system, writing or sports, the roots of it can be traced in the history of thousands of years back. Indus civilization which was spread to a large area of Pakistan, Afghanistan and India was very efficient with reference to trading, architecture and conservation of water. The houses used to attain water from the wells while there was the organized system of waste water and even the small houses were connected to that system. This taught two things to the world. The way to supply water to all the citizens in which the world still suffers today and the significance of cleanliness that the waste water should be drained systematically and should not be spread out on the roads. They also used baked bricks for constructing the buildings and designed protective walls in the buildings to get protected from the floods. It is noticeable that they worked out on these techniques thousands of years before which is evident of the human capability and wisdom.

From many civilizations of past like Egypt civilization, writings are found which means that there was conception of sending and receiving written messages. Although the languages are hard to understand and the written scripts are still not decoded properly but they had a system of governance and laws etc. which were conveyed through writings.

Art is considerably a great skill of today. It is also an ancient gift to mankind and not anything new in the world. The people in Indus civilization used to make pottery and jewelry. Paleo-Indians, the ancestors of Amerindians used to make tools from the bones and stones. The Mayas also used to make great artistic pieces of pottery and paintings.

Sports is one of the most enjoyable entertainments of modern time. The roots of this entertainment are also found in the history. Long time ago, Mesoamericans, the ancient people lived on the earth and are believed to be first to play games with rubber balls. They also had a pin game which is thought to be modern ball game of the world. It is also said that they set out various rules for the games and the individuals used to play those games in their free and work time but there written scripts are hard to understand and have not revealed any game rules. If the ancestors had not thought of it, there would have possibly no sport in the world.

The ancestors taught so many lessons and it can be rightly said that they provided the foundations for modern development. In some ancient societies, women were allowed to buy and sell property through which it is known that their status was respectable in the society and their decisions used to be considered important. The ancient people invented new trading tools, set out rules, invented standardized weight measures and made valuable contributions to mathematics and astronomy. Now in this period of advancement of tools and technology, it can be assumed that the doors for it were opened by the ancient ancestors who told the world that there are opportunities that can be converted into abilities, there are sources that can be converted into resources and there are energies that can be converted into powers. Remember, history always gives the lessons and the ones who shut their eyes to those lessons have the final exit from the world without leaving a positive legacy behind. Thus, it is a pragmatic approach to think of the history and act in the modern social setting accordingly as such lessons can help to build an honorable society.

Unaiza Ghazali
About the Author: Unaiza Ghazali Read More Articles by Unaiza Ghazali: 12 Articles with 7383 views Studying at university of Karachi, teaching Tajweed and various subjects, contributing in social work projects and living with the passion of writing .. View More