Access to Justice Program

(shah nawaz Bokhari, Islamabad)

Access to Justice Program (AJP) was approved in December 2001, and launched with the assistance of the Asian Development Bank providing US$350 million loan to support the Government of Pakistan to reform the country’s judicial, legal, police, prosecution and administrative sectors. It is the largest single justice sector program in the world, aimed to assist Government of Pakistan in (a) providing security and ensuring equal protection of the law to its citizens, (b) securing and sustaining entitlements and thereby reducing the Poor’s vulnerability’ (c) strengthening the legitimacy of state institutions; and (d) creating conditions conducive to pro-poor growth, especially by fostering investors’ confidence. The Access to Justice Program is composed of the following:

The Program Assistance
US$ 330 million are Program Loan resources which are provided directly to the Government of Pakistan as budgetary support to finance the strengthening of the justice sector. The release of Program Loan resources from the Asian Development Bank are attached to the successful implementation of an agreed number of policy actions (64) within a particular time-frame. On the successful implementation of the agreed policy actions, the Asian Development Bank releases an amount agreed against a particular tranche directly to the Government of Pakistan.

Program Loan resources are used to address the chronic under-resourcing of the justice sector through infrastructure and other capital intensive needs.

The Access to Justice Development Fund
From the Program Loan resources Federal Share, US$ 25 million have been used to establish an endowment Access to Justice Development Fund managed by the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan.

The Technical Assistance
The Technical Loan resources, US$ 20 million, are used to support policy action initiatives supported by the Program Loan through engaging consulting services, training and workshops, public awareness campaigns, and necessary equipment and materials to strengthen the following soft reform outcomes:
Delay Reduction
Legal Empowerment
Police and Public Safety
Administrative Justice
Fiscal Reform

Implementation of the policy actions is strengthened through Program schemes being complemented with soft reforms supported through the Technical Assistance, for example, capacity building focusing on enhancing knowledge and skills, formulating occupational standards. Strengthening transparency and disclosure, including public grievance redress, for effective monitoring and evaluation of justice service delivery. Automation of the justice sector; up-dating and expanding the knowledge base and infrastructure to ensure access to the latest information. To strengthen citizen empowerment the focus is on strengthening the provision of information to enable citizen participation through oversight and public grievance redress.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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