Quiz- To Increase Your Islamic Kowledge

(MUHAMMAD ARSALAN ILYAS, Karachi,pakistan)

 Quiz: The Prophets In The Quran
1) Which prophet's nation was destroyed by a flood?
2) Who was hurled into the fire that became cool by Allah's command?
3) Which prophet remained in the belly of a fish for several days?
4) Musa (AS) grew up in whose palace?
5) Which prophet, though perfectly innocent, was imprisoned for a number of years?
6) The miracle of bringing the dead back to life was granted to whom?
7) How many sons did Yaqub (AS) have?
8) Which prophet was a mighty king, and had animals and jinn attending his court?
9) Who constructed an iron wall to protect a tribe from the fierce Yajuj (Gog) and Majuj (Magog)?
10) For how many years did Nuh (AS) live among his people?
11) Which prophet was sent for the guidance of the people of Midyan?
12) Which nation denied Saleh (AS) and also hamstrung the camel of Allah?
13) Which prophet was sent to guide the people of 'Aad?
14) Musa (AS), Sulaiman (AS) and ‘Isa (AS) are of the descendants of which one of Ibrahim (AS)'s sons?
15) Who was made the guardian of Maryam (AS) after she was devoted for the service of Allah?
16) What was the strength of Yunus (AS)'s nation?
17) Which fierce commander was killed by Dawud (AS) in battle against Talut (AS)'s army?
18) Who was the only prophet from among the descendants of Ismael (AS)?
19) Who was the prophet born to old-age parents, and whose name was chosen by Allah Himself?
20) Which prophet's nation was destroyed by a rain of clay stones?
Want to know the answers?

Scroll down to see the answers:

1) Nuh (AS)
2) Ibrahim (AS)
3) Yunus (AS)
4) The Pharaoh
5) Yusuf (AS)
6) Isa (AS)
7) 12
8) Sulaiman (AS)
9) Dhul Qarnain (AS)
10) 950
11) Shuaib (AS)
12) Thamud
13) Hud (AS)
14) Ishaq (AS)
15) Zakariyya (AS)
16) 100 000
17) Jalut (Goliath)
18) Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
19) Yahya (AS)
20) Lut (AS)

Muhammad Arslan Ilyas
About the Author: Muhammad Arslan Ilyas Read More Articles by Muhammad Arslan Ilyas: 82 Articles with 76272 views Muhammad Arslan Ilyas was born on 28th August 1995. He comes from a humble family of 4 brother and 1 sister. Muhammad Arslan Ilyas is the youngest of .. View More