Not Ideal, Still Better

(Amjad Iqbal, )

While going through Peshawar these days, the capital of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa (KPK), while being a die hard supporter and as advocate of PTI, you always wish and hope to see improvements in capital city and you really feel glad when you actually see quite much improvement all around, may you talk of the roads or beautification to be specific, the healthcare system including the government hospitals or the highly unpoliticied and so much talked about, The Police of KPK. The honourable Chief Minister of KPK Pervez Khattak and the dearest Imran Khan, the Chairman of PTI , never hesitate in mentioning at the top of the list, while they often speak about the few and the better changes they have brought to the province to some extent, but to Peshawar in particular. I would like to bring into the knowledge of CM KPK, the grey area in police department which is not for the sake of criticism but for the improvement of the department so that a common man can equally be benifitted from it.

It was a couple of days back when a friend of mine who is in his 30s, narrated me his story and expressed his resentment over the police. He, who is presently a PhD doctor and serving in a renowned university of KPK as an Assistant Professor, shared that, last night while he was going to pick his wife from a hospital in Hayatabad, herself a serving lady doctor, his car was hit by police vehicle (Double/cabin) as he slowed down his car to take a U-turn, when hit at the rear, he took off to the side of road and while he disgustedly came out to see his car, the policemen came near and instead of excusing, very rudely started thrashing and abusing him, threatened him to vanish away else they can do much more harm. My friend being could do much and wisely and quietly went away, having noted the number plate of that vehicle, to the nearby police station and registered a complaint. The same day he shared with me his last night incident, I immediate took him along, to police lines, to inquire about that vehicle. Firstly, even I being an army officer, it came out to be quite difficult for us to reach the offices of police lines, after crossing exactly about four check posts, I started wondering how would a common man, more importantly a poor man, reach out for justice when the situation is as such. Anyways we could make out to reach the Complaint cell of police, which has also been paised very oftenly on the media. Personel at the cell referred us to SP(operations) when came about us being from army background. When we met SP, and as my friend narrated his incident, the police officer couldn’t get any clue from anywhere when inquired from different resouces on telephone, and in the end had to cut a sorry figure to us, keeping in view his genuine restraints. Nevertheless we were assured us that he will try reach out to the roots of the issue and ensure such incident doesn’t happen in future.

The point to ponder upon is that, its not that you only start depoliticizing the few top slots in the police and you start claiming that your police has become the best of the best. You really need to go down to Sipahi level to improve upon the department. As a police officer its becomes a prime responsibility that you exactly know your men in uniform are working for the welfare of people, not to harm people in the guise of their uniform. Secondly as department you really need to facilitate poor people in solving their problems, make it easier for people to reach and get their issues resolved. Having said so, KPK government has got onto the right path of making it a better and an ideal province in the country. If provincial government takes criticism positively and acts promptly, the province can soon very hopfully become Not Better but an Ideal KPK.

Amjad Iqbal
About the Author: Amjad Iqbal Read More Articles by Amjad Iqbal: 2 Articles with 990 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.