
افطار کی دعا

افطار کی دعا رمضان کے بابرکت وقت میں روزہ کھولنے کا اہم حصہ ہے۔ روزہ افطار کی دعا پڑھنے سے برکت اور دعاؤں کی قبولیت کا دروازہ کھلتا ہے۔ رمضان افطار کی دعا دل کو سکون اور روح کو تازگی دیتی ہے۔ روزہ افطار کی دعا سے اللہ کی رضا حاصل کی جا سکتی ہے۔

سحری کی دعا

سحری کی دعا ہر مسلمان کے لیے اہم ہے، کیونکہ یہ روزے کی نیت کا حصہ ہے۔ پہلی سحری کی دعا خاص روحانی کیفیت فراہم کرتی ہے اور عبادت کی خوبصورتی کو بڑھاتی ہے۔ روزہ سحری کی دعا پڑھنے سے برکت حاصل ہوتی ہے اور روزے کی قبولیت کے لیے نیت پختہ ہوتی ہے۔ سحری کے وقت دعا پڑھنا نہ صرف سنت ہے بلکہ ایک روحانی سکون بھی فراہم کرتا ہے، جو اللہ کے قریب ہونے کا بہترین ذریعہ ہے۔

Chata Kalma

Chata Kalma is the 6th Kalma in Islam, emphasizing the importance of seeking Allah's forgiveness. Reciting the 6 Kalma daily strengthens faith and reminds believers of their duties towards Allah, making it a key practice in Islamic teachings.

Panchwa Kalma

The Panchwa Kalma is a significant part of Islamic teachings, promoting repentance and forgiveness. Learning the Panchwa Kalma in Arabic deepens spiritual connection. All 5 Kalma reflect the core principles of faith, guiding Muslims towards purity, devotion, and better understanding of their religion.

Chotha Kalma

The Chotha Kalma, also known as the fourth Kalma, holds significant importance in Islamic teachings. Reciting the 4 Kalma strengthens one's faith and devotion. Here is the 4th Kalma in Arabic, a powerful declaration of belief in Allah’s oneness and greatness.

Teesra Kalma

The Teesra Kalma, also known as the 3rd Kalma in Islam, is an important declaration of faith. It mainly focuses on the greatness and oneness of Allah. It also serves as a reminder of His attributes and mercy. The 3 Kalma is a part of the six main Kalmas recited by Muslims to reaffirm their belief in Allah and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Doosra Kalma

The Dusra Kalma, also known as Doosra Kalma or the Second Kalma. It is one of the six key Kalmas in Islamic Culture. It is a powerful declaration of faith, recited by Muslims to put their belief in the oneness of Allah and the finality of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as His messenger.

Roze Ki Niyat

Roza ki niyat is the essential intention made before starting a fast in Islam. It reflects a believer's dedication to fasting solely for Allah’s pleasure. Whether observed during Ramadan or other special days, a sincere roza rakhne ki niyat ensures that the fast holds spiritual value.

Pehla Kalma

The Pehla Kalma or the Kalma Tayyab is a fundamental belief of Muslims. It is the shahada that there is only one God and that Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger. The first Kalma of Islam or its translation, known as Pehla Kalma Tarjuma, is the basic principle of monotheism, which invites every Muslim to accept Allah as the only Master and devote his or her life to His service. On this page, learn about the Pehla Kalma in Arabic script & its significance in the development of a Muslim’s spirituality.

6 Kalimas

The 6 Kalma occupy a special status in the spiritual and religious practice of every Muslim. These powerful statements reflect on the fundamentals of Islam to an extent of embracing the oneness of God; the act of repentance; and dedication to the Islamic teachings. All the 6 Kalmas have specific meaning to serve as a source of purifying one’s heart, an actionable statement of faith, and a prayer for Allah’s blessings. Click through this page to discover more about the 6 Kalma in Arabic and their interpretations in details.

نماز کے فرائض کتنے ہیں

نماز میں چھ چیزیں فرائض ہیں : (1)تکبیر تحریمہ, (2)قیام یعنی کھڑا ہونا, (3) قراءۃ (تلاوت کرنا), (4)رکوع, (5)سجود ،یعنی سجدہ کرنا ،ہر رکعت میں دومرتبہ فرض ہے۔, (6) قعدہ اخیرہ مقدار ِ تشہد، یعنی تشہد پڑھنے کے بقدر قعدۂ اخیرہ میں بیٹھنا۔

Islamic Months Name

The Islamic calendar is also referred to as the Hijri calendar. It consists of 12 Islamic months name, which are all significant in Islamic history and culture. The calendar has important months like Ramadan-the month of fasting-and Dhul-Hijjah-the month of Hajj-starting with Muharram. Each month has a pivotal role in guiding Islamic practices and observances, providing the rhythm for religious duties, festivals, and reflections throughout the year.

Dhul Hijjah - Twelfth Month of the Islamic Calendar

Dhul-Hijjah is the 12th and the last month of the Islamic Hijri Calendar. It has great significance as it is known as the month of Hajj. It is considered as the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, and the time to fulfill Allah's (SWT) commands in the form of Eid-Ul-Adha. Muslims also engage in different religious activities including fasting on particular days like 9 of Dhul Hijja (the day of Arafah)

Dhul Qa'dah - Eleventh Month Of Islamic Calendar

Dhul Qadah is the 11th month of the Islamic calendar. It is a sacred month during which warfare is prohibited, as a part of four “holy months” in Islam. It is a time for Muslims to engage in spiritual reflection, worship, and preparation for the upcoming pilgrimage season. Dhul Al-Qadah is followed by Dhul-Hijjah, the month of Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.

Shawwal - Tenth Month Of Islamic Calendar

Shawwal is the tenth month in the Islamic calendar. It is the month of holidays of Eid-ul-Fitr right after the month of Ramadan. Muslims pay gratitude and enjoy meals with family and friends by thanking Allah that He bestowed them with such a blessed month. In Shawal, it is further encouraged to fast for an additional six days because this period of fasting is rewarded like that of fasting throughout one whole year.

Ramadan - Ninth Month Of Islamic Calendar

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is a time of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. The Muslims fast from dawn till sunset, abstaining from food, drink, and sinful behavior. Ramazan is the time of the highest spiritual activity, as charity and kindness are encouraged during this period. The month of Ramadhan ends with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of fasting.

Sha'ban - Eighth Month Of Islamic Calendar

Shaban is the eighth month of the Islamic calendar, between Rajab and Ramadan. It is a sacred month for Muslims because it calls for spiritual reflection, fasting, and preparation for the holy month of Ramadan. The 15th night of Sha’ban is Laylat al-Bara'at, a night of prayer to Allah for forgiveness and mercy. The month is one of intense devotion and charity.

Rajab - Seventh Month of Islamic Calendar

Rajab is the seventh month of the Islamic Hijri calendar and represents one of the four sacred months in Islam. Its significant religious importance is associated with different historical events and traditions. Muslims offer special prayers and observe fasting during Rajab, considering spiritual growth and devotion as extremely important. The month tells us that peace, thinking, and worship are more important according to the beliefs of Islam.

Jumada al-Thani - Sixth Month Of Islamic Calendar

Jumada al-Thani, or Jumada II, is also called Jumada al-Akhirah. This is the sixth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The name given to it signifies the last part of the dry season, indicating the climate under which it came into origin. Jamadi-us Sani is a holy month for all Muslims across the world. The Hijri calendar is lunar in its cycle, its dates vary every year compared to the Gregorian calendar.

Jumada al-Awwal - Fifth Month Of Islamic Calendar

Jumada al-Awwal, or Jumada I or Jumada al-Ula, is the fifth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Its name indicates the dry season because "Jumada" is the Arabic word for dryness. This sacred month is important in the cultures and history of Muslims everywhere, often representing significant religious events. Like all Islamic months, its dates change yearly according to the lunar cycle

Rabi' al-Thani - Fourth Month Of Islamic Calendar

Rabi' al-Thani is known as Rabi' al-Akhir and represents the fourth month in the Islamic calendar. This period occurs after Rabi' al-Awwal, symbolizing the period for introspection and spiritual growth of Muslims. This does not represent a certain religious celebration; however, Rabi-us-Sani still calls upon the performance of acts of worship, charity, and good deeds.

Rabi-Al-Awwal - Third Month Of Islamic Calendar

Rabi al-Awwal is the third month of the Islamic calendar. It is special for all Muslims around the world, as it is the birth month of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In Rabi ul Awal Milad-un-Nabi is observed to honor his life and teachings. The Muslims carry out acts of worship, charity, and remembrance during Rabbi ul Awwal and reflect on the Prophet's message of peace and compassion. The month inspires devotion and unity and fosters a sense of spiritual renewal among the Muslim community.

Safar - Second Month Of Islamic Calendar

Safar is the second month of the Islamic calendar. It comes after Muharram and has become associated with early events of Islamic history. Many believe that Safr is the unlucky month, although this is not supported by Islamic teachings. Islam does not believe in the bad luck of any particular time because God is fair and each month is equal. Through this month, Muslims consider their faith and try to do good deeds.

Muharram - First Month Of Islamic Calendar

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is a very important time for Muslims all over the world because it is a time for reflection, remembrance, and devotion, especially the martyrdom of Imam Hussain in the Battle of Karbala. Moharram is the symbol of the eternal struggle for justice, truth, and faith. The month of Moharam is observed by Muslims through prayers, fasting, and mourning, which teach them patience, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to righteousness.

Dua After Salah

Making dua after salah is a meaningful way to seek blessings and guidance from Allah. A short dua after salah helps strengthen the connection with Allah and brings peace to the heart. Many people also prefer using a dua after salah transliteration to make reciting easier. Always remember the power of prayer.

Manzil Dua

Manzil dua is a strong collection of verses from the Quran that is used as a method of seeking protection and divinity. Manzil dua is also understood as a "fortress" of prayers that can save one from black magic, evil eye, and other hostile energies. Hence, it is said that if recited completely with seriousness and obedience, it serves as a circle of protection for the believer against the happening of any misery or bad deeds.

Good Morning Dua

Starting your day with good morning dua can bring peace and positivity. This simple act of faith helps set the tone for the day ahead. The Islamic good morning dua can be a powerful way to seek blessings and protection. Saying "subha bakhair" is a beautiful way to greet someone, wishing them a good morning filled with goodness and light. Adding good morning wishes to your daily routine can uplift your spirits and those around you. Explore new good morning wishes that resonate with your heart, and share them with loved ones.

Jumma Mubarak Dua

Jumma Mubarak is a special day for Muslims, filled with blessings and prayers. On this holy day, offering a Jumma Mubarak dua is essential. You can find beautiful Jumma Mubarak dua in Urdu, which resonates deeply with many. For those who prefer, there are also inspiring Jumma Mubarak dua in English. These prayers bring peace and prosperity to our lives. Don't forget the importance of Shab e Jumma dua as well. This prayer, recited on the night before Jumma, holds significant blessings.

Ramadan 3rd Ashra Dua

The third Ashra of Ramadan is known as the last Ashra of Salvation. During this period, Muslims seek Allah's protection from the punishment of Hellfire and strive to achieve salvation in the Hereafter. It is a time for introspection and repentance, and Muslims are encouraged to seek Allah's forgiveness through Dua.

Second Ashra Dua - 2nd Ashra Dua with Translation

The second Ashra of Ramadan is known as the Ashra of Forgiveness. During this Ashra, Muslims focus on seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT) for their sins and wrongdoings. It is the time to repent and ask for forgiveness, and the best way to do so is through Dua.

Tahajjud Namaz (Night Prayer)

Tahajjud is a voluntary Islamic prayer that is performed during the night. It is a form of night prayer that is considered to be a highly recommended act of worship in Islam. The Tahajjud prayer consists of an odd number of rak'ahs (units of prayer), typically between 11 and 13 rak'ahs, and can be performed at any time after the Isha (night) prayer until the time of the Fajr (morning) prayer. The purpose of Tahajjud prayer is to draw closer to Allah and to seek His forgiveness and guidance. It is a time for reflection, contemplation, and supplication, and is considered to be a special opportunity to communicate with Allah.

Eid ul Adha 2024 Holidays in Pakistan

Eid ul Adha will fall on 28th till the 30th of June. Eid ul-Adha in Pakistan will celebrate for five days as per the federal government’s orders.

Salatul Tasbih Namaz Ka Tariqa

Salatul Tasbih is a nafl prayer that consists of four raktas where one has to recite the tasbih 300 times. Method of Salatul tasbih or Salatul Tasbih Namaz Ka Tariqa is given on this page to help out people looking forward to performing Salatul Tasbih namaz. There are so many benefits of Salatul Tasbih that it is also known as the prayer of forgiveness.

Shab E Barat Nawafil

Shab e Barat Nawafil is a profound way to seek Allah's mercy and forgiveness on this blessed night. It is believed that on the 15th Shaban, destinies for the coming year are written, making it a night of reflection and spiritual growth. To perform Shab e Barat k Nawafil, one should follow the Shab e Barat Nawafil ka Tarika, which involves offering 12 rakats of Shab e Barat ki Namaz, reciting Surah Yasin, and making sincere dua for guidance and blessings. Reciting Surah Yasin, and making sincere dua for guidance and blessings. Additionally, engaging in dhikr, seeking forgiveness for past sins, and praying for loved ones bring immense spiritual rewards.

Shaban Fasting Days 2024

Shaban is the eighth month of the Islamic year that is celebrated in the entire Muslim world with religious zeal. This month is said to be the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) favorite month as per a Hadith. Shaban fasting days 2024 are the most desirable day to keep fast the 13th, 14th, or 15th Shaban. As per the Gregorian calendar this year Shaban fasting days 2024 will fall on 23, 24, and 24 February.

Shab e Barat 2024 Date in Pakistan

Shab E Barat 2024 date is 25 Feb 2024 in Pakistan. Shab-e-Barat is the night of atonement. This is a very important and sacred occasion for the Muslim community around the world and it is known as the 'Night of Forgiveness.

Jummah Ka Din Namaz e Fajar Sa Pahle Ki Dua

Jummah is the sacred day as per Islamic religion. Jummah Ka Wazifa/ Dua for Jummah is “Astagh-fi-rulla-hal Azeem, al-lazi la ilaha il-la Huwal-Hay-yul-Qayyum wa aa-tubu i-laih”( Abu Dawud 2/85, at-Tirmidhi 5/569).

12 Rabi ul Awal 2021 Date in Pakistan

Rabi ul Awal is the third month of the Islamic calendar and Muslims observe Eid e Milad un Nabi this month. Read the full article to view information about the 12 Rabi ul Awal 2021 date in Pakistan.

Dua e Ashura in Hindi

मुहर्रम के 10वें दिन लोग अल्लाह को खुश करने के लिए तरह-तरह की दुआएं करते हैं। हालाँकि, यह लेख आपको दुआ ए आशूरा के बारे में अंग्रेजी में जानकारी प्रदान करेगा।

Dua e Ashura

On the 10th day of Muharram, known as Ashura, Muslims recite various prayers to seek Allah's blessings. This page focuses on the Dua e Ashura, a special prayer for this significant day. It provides detailed information on the meaning, importance, and proper recitation of Ashura ki Dua, helping you understand and perform it with devotion.

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