Islamic Date today in Pakistan 2025/1446
Islamic date today in Pakistan is calculated as per the lunar-based calendar which consists of 12 Lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days. A Muslim must know the exact Islamic date today or chand ki date.
What is the Islamic date today in Pakistan?
Islamic date today in Pakistan is 19 Ramadan 1446 on 20 March, 2025. These dates are updated daily according to the Hijri calendar of 1446 AH and the Gregorian Calendar of 2025.
Today Islamic Date in Pakistan
Pakistan is among the most populous Muslim countries. It is a reason that people want to know about the exact Islamic date in Pakistan. It allows them to prepare for key events per the Islamic calendar 2025. However, the moon date today or Chand ki date today changes after sunset.
Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, starts on February 28th and ends on March 30th, 2025, based on the moon sighting. The spiritual roots along with historical events linked to significant Islamic developments make Ramadan a sacred month. During this Holy month Muslims highlight the revelation of the Holy Quran as divine guidance that reveals itself through this sacred occasion. The practice of fasting in Ramadan develops faith alongside self-discipline and voluntary self-restraint which showcases the need for patience and devotion within Muslim life.
During Ramadan Muslims observe Laylat al-Qadr which ranks better than the virtues accumulated during 1000 months combined. The night offers Muslims the perfect time to devote deep prayers while they receive forgiveness from Allah and draw nearer to Him. The month contains additional religious practices such as performing Taraweeh prayers together while reciting the Quran and participating in charitable acts. Through the observance of Ramadan Muslims acquire abilities to purify their souls while becoming more generous and spiritually advanced. Muslims must deepen their connection to Allah (SWT) because Ramadan teaches both the practice of kindness and intention to reflect on self while devoting emotionally. The month offers peace and unity while encouraging love among people who use it to learn from Prophet Muhammad (SWT) and put his teachings into practice in daily activities.
What is the Islamic date tomorrow in
Tomorrow Islamic date is
20 Ramadan 1446
Today Date of Islamic Month?
Today Islamic month and date as follows:
19 Ramadan 1446.
Today Moon Date in
Today qamri or moon date in
19 Ramadan 1446
Chand Ki Tarikh Today?
Today moon date or Chand ki Tarikh in
19 Ramadan 1446.
Today Arabic date for
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and others cities are also available on this page.