Today Islamic Date is 25 Ramadan 1446 in many countries - According to Gregorian calendar, today's date is 25 March 2025, Muslims around the word follow Hijri Calendar and want to know Islamic date today. As Islamic Calendar that is also called Hijri Calendar, Muslims worldwide importantly consider for their annual Islamic events. Islamic Date by Countries and Region are as follows:
- Saudi Arabia & Arab Countries: 25 Ramadan 1446
- Pakistan, India & other South Asian Regions: 24 Ramadan 1446
Islamic Date Today
According to the Hijri calendar Islamic date today is 24 Ramadan 1446 which is different from the Gregorian calendar. On this page, you can find out easily the exact Islamic date today 2025 that is 24 Ramadan 1446.
The Hijri calendar also has 12 months but days vary from the month of the Gregorian calendar because in Hijri calendar every month new Islamic date 2025 worldwide announce after the sighting of the moon. The year of the Islamic calendar started to form Muharram and ends with Dhu al Hijja. This website is the best choice to get knowledge about the Islamic date today 2025 of your country. provides exact Islamic date today worldwide which you can easily track the Islamic date of Hijri calendar worldwide. Although, the Arabic date of every month depends on the movement of the moon. By knowing Islamic date today worldwide on Hamariweb, you can make plans as per Islamic dates, let’s check it now!