Rawalpindi Prayer Times

Today Dec 21, 2024 prayer times Rawalpindi are Fajr Time 5:39 AM, Dhuhr Time 12:06 PM, Asr Time 3:26 PM, Maghrib Time 5:04 PM & Isha Time 6:33 PM. Today's namaz timings Rawalpindi are based on the Islamic date of 18 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446. Schedule for 30 days of salah time calendar and azan time in Rawalpindi with prayer calculation method available for the convenience of all Muslims according to their preference.

Prayer Time in Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Fajr5:39 AM Sunrise7:08 AM Dhuhr12:06 PM Asr 3:26 PM Maghrib5:04 PM Isha6:33 PM
Based on: University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi | Hanafi change
Rawalpindi Sehri & Iftar Time

Next 30 Days Rawalpindi Prayer Times

Date Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Dec 21 5:39 AM 7:08 AM 12:06 PM 3:26 PM 5:04 PM 6:33 PM
Dec 22 5:40 AM 7:09 AM 12:06 PM 3:26 PM 5:04 PM 6:33 PM
Dec 23 5:40 AM 7:09 AM 12:07 PM 3:27 PM 5:05 PM 6:34 PM
Dec 24 5:40 AM 7:10 AM 12:07 PM 3:27 PM 5:05 PM 6:34 PM
Dec 25 5:41 AM 7:10 AM 12:08 PM 3:28 PM 5:06 PM 6:35 PM
Dec 26 5:41 AM 7:10 AM 12:08 PM 3:29 PM 5:06 PM 6:36 PM
Dec 27 5:42 AM 7:11 AM 12:09 PM 3:29 PM 5:07 PM 6:36 PM
Dec 28 5:42 AM 7:11 AM 12:09 PM 3:30 PM 5:08 PM 6:37 PM
Dec 29 5:42 AM 7:11 AM 12:10 PM 3:30 PM 5:08 PM 6:37 PM
Dec 30 5:43 AM 7:12 AM 12:10 PM 3:31 PM 5:09 PM 6:38 PM
Dec 31 5:43 AM 7:12 AM 12:11 PM 3:32 PM 5:10 PM 6:39 PM
Jan 01 5:43 AM 7:12 AM 12:11 PM 3:33 PM 5:11 PM 6:39 PM
Jan 02 5:44 AM 7:12 AM 12:12 PM 3:33 PM 5:11 PM 6:40 PM
Jan 03 5:44 AM 7:13 AM 12:12 PM 3:34 PM 5:12 PM 6:41 PM
Jan 04 5:44 AM 7:13 AM 12:13 PM 3:35 PM 5:13 PM 6:41 PM
Jan 05 5:44 AM 7:13 AM 12:13 PM 3:36 PM 5:14 PM 6:42 PM
Jan 06 5:44 AM 7:13 AM 12:14 PM 3:37 PM 5:15 PM 6:43 PM
Jan 07 5:45 AM 7:13 AM 12:14 PM 3:37 PM 5:15 PM 6:44 PM
Jan 08 5:45 AM 7:13 AM 12:14 PM 3:38 PM 5:16 PM 6:44 PM
Jan 09 5:45 AM 7:13 AM 12:15 PM 3:39 PM 5:17 PM 6:45 PM
Jan 10 5:45 AM 7:13 AM 12:15 PM 3:40 PM 5:18 PM 6:46 PM
Jan 11 5:45 AM 7:13 AM 12:16 PM 3:41 PM 5:19 PM 6:47 PM
Jan 12 5:45 AM 7:13 AM 12:16 PM 3:42 PM 5:20 PM 6:48 PM
Jan 13 5:45 AM 7:12 AM 12:16 PM 3:43 PM 5:21 PM 6:48 PM
Jan 14 5:45 AM 7:12 AM 12:17 PM 3:44 PM 5:22 PM 6:49 PM
Jan 15 5:45 AM 7:12 AM 12:17 PM 3:45 PM 5:23 PM 6:50 PM
Jan 16 5:44 AM 7:12 AM 12:18 PM 3:45 PM 5:23 PM 6:51 PM
Jan 17 5:44 AM 7:12 AM 12:18 PM 3:46 PM 5:24 PM 6:52 PM
Jan 18 5:44 AM 7:11 AM 12:18 PM 3:47 PM 5:25 PM 6:52 PM

* All Timings are Beginning Times print Print

Calculation Methods Latitude /  Longitude: Juristic Methods
University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi 33.6 / 73.0667 Hanafi (Method & Fiqah)
Change Setting

Today Prayer Times Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Today 21 Dec, 2024, Rawalpindi Namaz Timings are Fajr 5:39 AM, Dhuhr 12:06 PM, Asr 3:26 PM, Maghrib 5:04 PM & Isha 6:33 PM.

The city azan, salat schedule & 7 days time table is also provided. Daily Fajar (Fajr) timing in Rawalpindi, Dhuhur time, Asr time in Rawalpindi, Maghrib Rawalpindi prayer times & Isha Rawalpindi Namaz timing are available. Today's 18 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446 Rawalpindi namaz timing with next 7 days Schedule from 21 Dec, 2024 to 27 Dec, 2024 with customizable prayer time calculation methods to calculate the proper time for your prayer. On other hand, you may also read Rawalpindi zawal time updates with complete start and end time details.

Today Rawalpindi Sun Set time or Iftar Time in Rawalpindi is 7:08 AM and Dawn break Time or the end of Sehri Time in Rawalpindi is 5:39 AM. Along with Rawalpindi Prayers times you can also read the Rawalpindi Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Hanafi (sunni) or Rawalpindi Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Jafria (shia).

Prayer Timing Customization
By using this option you can change or adjust timing according to your country's prayer calculation methods. These timings are available for all Sunni schools of thought including Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki, and Hanbali.

You may also find here makrooh time updates including Rawalpindi zawal time with complete details start and end time.

Rawalpindi Sun Set time that is also called Iftar Time in Rawalpindi is 5:05 PM and Dawn break Time that is also end of Sehri Time in Rawalpindi at 5:38 AM. Sehri and Iftar time is also called Ramadan Time during the month of Ramadan.

Pindi or Rawalpindi is adjacent to Islamabad that is the federal capital of Pakistan. However, both cities are considered twin cities. Rawalpindi is on the fourth spot in terms of the most populated cities in Pakistan. The city has a total population of over 2 million and Muslims are around 96 to 97 percent of the total population.

Which are the famous mosques in Rawalpindi?
There are several worship places in Rawalpindi. In addition, there are around 450 mosques in the city. Name of some famous mosques are provided below:
• Jamia Islamia Masjid
• Quba Masjid
• Halal Masjid

Prayer Timings in Rawalpindi
Here you can find Azan and Salaat Schedule and 7 Days Timetable for Rawalpindi. Daily Fajar (Fajr) timing in Rawalpindi, Dhuhur, Asr time in Rawalpindi, Maghrib Rawalpindi prayer timing in, and Isha Rawalpindi Namaz timing. Find today’s Namaz timings and Qibla direction with Customizable Prayer Time Calculation Methods to calculate the proper time for your Namaz.

In Rawalpindi, the Muslim population can utilize the authentic and accurate Rawalpindi prayer timings schedule available online. For Muslims who would like to pray the mandatory five times a day prayer but are unfamiliar with the Rawalpindi prayer timings, a schedule can access the online portal for the information. Even those who do not have access to a nearby Mosque or Masjid can find out the correct prayer timings with the online schedule listed above. From now on, you can say your prayers on time with the daily, weekly, and monthly Rawalpindi prayer timings scheduled. You can also keep the page bookmarked on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone to easily access prayer timings no matter what time it is or where you are currently. The Rawalpindi prayer timings schedule updates on a regular basis, which is why you can always find the latest and authentic prayer timings.

In big cities, a difference of a minute or two can be observed in their suburbs or nearby areas due to the bigger geographic area. However, this Rawalpindi Prayer timing schedule can be used by people living in different areas. The updated Rawalpindi Prayer timing 2022 is created to assist people of all Tehsils of Rawalpindi including Gujar Khan Tehsil, Kallar Syedan Tehsil, Murree Tehsil, Taxila Tehsil, Kahuta Tehsil, Kotli Sattian Tehsil, and Rawalpindi Tehsil.

Rawalpindi Prayer Times Today

Prayer Time in Rawalpindi for Saturday 21 Dec 2024 are:

  • Fajr Time in Rawalpindi: 5:39 AM
  • Zuhr Time in Rawalpindi: 12:06 PM
  • Asr Time in Rawalpindi: 3:26 PM
  • Maghrib Time in Rawalpindi: 5:04 PM
  • Isha Time in Rawalpindi: 6:33 PM

Rawalpindi Azan Time Today

Azan Time in Rawalpindi for Saturday 21 Dec 2024 are:

  • Fajr Azan Time in Rawalpindi: 5:39 AM
  • Zuhr Azan Time in Rawalpindi: 12:06 PM
  • Asr Azan Time in Rawalpindi: 3:26 PM
  • Maghrib Azan Time in Rawalpindi: 5:04 PM
  • Isha Azan Time in Rawalpindi: 6:33 PM

Q: What is Fajr time in Rawalpindi?

A: Fajr start time in Rawalpindi is at 5:39 AM and end time is 7:08 AM. Fajr consists of 4 Rakats as 2 Farz and 2 Sunnah.

Q: What time is Ishraq in Rawalpindi?

A: Ishraq Namaz Timing in Rawalpindi today starts at 07:23 AM and the end time is 09:37 AM.

Q: What is Zuhr Time in Rawalpindi?

A: Zuhr starting time in Rawalpindi is at 12:06 PM and the ending time is 3:26 PM. Zuhr Salah consists of 12 Rakat, including 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 nafl.

Q: What is Asr time in Rawalpindi?

A: Today Asr prayer start time in Rawalpindi is 3:26 PM, and it ends at 5:04 PM. It's an afternoon prayer consisting of 8 Rakat: 4 Sunnat and 4 Farz.

Q: What time is Maghrib in Rawalpindi?

A: Maghrib start time in Rawalpindi is at 5:04 PM, and the maghrib time end is 6:33 PM. It's a sunset prayer consisting of 7 Rakat: 3 Farz, 2 Sunnat, and 2 Nafl.

Q: What is Isha Time in Rawalpindi?

A: Today Isha Namaz time Rawalpindi starts at 6:33 PM and ends time at 5:39 AM. It's a night prayer consisting of 17 Rakat: 4 Sunnah, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafl.

Comments: Rawalpindi Prayer Times

Masha Allah. Accurate Timings are necessary for Namaz

  • MUHAMMAD masoom, Jhelum

In major urban centers, it's possible to notice a discrepancy of a minute or two in their outskirts or adjacent areas, mainly due to the larger geographic expanse of the city.

  • Babar, Rawalpindi

The availability of prayer times in Rawalpindi enables Muslims to maintain a consistent and disciplined prayer routine, promoting mindfulness and devotion in their daily lives.

  • Jamshed, Rawalpindi

Jazak Allah, it's very useful if zawal time could also be mentioned in the schedule of prayer timings. Regards

  • Gulistan Ali, Rawalpindi

can anyone please update if there is any time difference in Rawalpindi and Bahria town prayer timing? because some area of Bahria town is in Islamabad, I see different pages for Rawalpindi and Islamabad prayer times. The is raised when you pray namaz at the end time.

  • Marium Iqbal, Rawalpindi