EQUAL employment opportunity
(EEO) is the assurance that all employment-related actions are based on
objective, non-discriminatory criteria. State and federal laws and regulations
prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion,
national origin, citizenship, sex, age, disability, etc. Equal employment
opportunity prohibits discrimination against anyone on any pretext. The EEO
speaks of the equality of every human being while considering a candidate
before, during and after employment. The EEO anti-discrimination protections
apply to all of the terms and conditions of employment, including but not
limited to recruitment and selection, promotions, testing, training and
development opportunities, hiring, transfers, work assignments, discipline,
compensation, discharge, performance evaluation, working environment and other
conditions of service. Affirmative action is an effort to undo the unfair
practices of the past in various organizations. It is a means to level the
playing field for women, individuals with disabilities, underprivileged classes
and minorities as a logical step towards equal employment.
Pakistan’s law makes it obligatory for employers to follow EEO principles.
Affirmative action, however, is expected to be implemented as a voluntary
component of the EEO policy. The EEO does not, in any circumstance, mean that
the managers should hire unqualified candidates in breach of merit. This is only
a mechanism to avoid unfair practices and biases during employment process. In
Pakistan there are many cases which show that women are discouraged from
working. It is not considered good for them to go outside and work. Many
employers hesitate to hire women. In Pakistan, for every 100 men in the labour
force, only about 21 women are economically active.
Pakistan’s Constitution puts a ban on discrimination on the basis of sex in
appointment in “the service in Pakistan”, provided the performance and functions
of the job can be carried out by, and is deemed suitable for, both sexes. The
federal government introduced a new labour policy in 2002 empowering labour
courts to order reinstatement of illegally dismissed workers or award reasonable
compensation in lieu of reinstatement.The federal and provincial governments
have also made legislation about the provision of two per cent quota for special
(disabled) people in the employment in all departments.
It is my hope that people understand their rights and seek legal redressal when
they are faced with discrimination. It is only then that the system against
discrimination will actually start to work.