ZTE at a glance

(Faraz Khalid, Islamabad)

ZTE corporation is a Chinese telecommunication equipment and systems company. It stands for Zhonxing Telecommunication Equipment and was established in 1985. At first it was small firm working its way to the top, today it’s the top 5th mobile manufacturing company. Its main products are all the things helping telecommunication including hardware and wireless equipment. The firm worked hard and by 2004 it had shaken hands with 160 countries. But recently in the year 2017 and 2018 it has been noticed that the company has been facing many issues. Including the ban by U.S on exports by the company.

The main reason that came in view was that, back in 2012 the ZTE started exporting to Irani companies and the telecoms reached the Irani markets but the hardware and other materials were originated in the U.S and all this was done without including the U.S authorities which was straight up violation of the Rule.
To amend this, U.S threatened to cut ZTE from the global supply network but ZTE pleaded guilty and paid money along with firing some of the senior employees. But the punishment announced by the U.S wasn't followed completely and hence the government cut off business, that is, they banned the ZTE from trade. Cut off their supply of hardware and software from U.S for the next seven years.

After this ZTE has been struggling to recover, but after this huge hit, its not easy to do so. After the U.S ban ZTE's economy rate went down the drain as quickly as they can. After Huawei it is the second biggest ban due to the government of U.S and other political agendas. Without U.S support the ZTE has been cut off from major parts of trade of hardware and telecom supplies.

Concluding all this, it might be difficult for ZTE to collect its grace and be again one of the best telecom company of the world.

Faraz Khalid
About the Author: Faraz Khalid Read More Articles by Faraz Khalid: 3 Articles with 1744 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.