Should Foreign Investment be Encouraged in Pakistan

(Ammar Abdur Rehman, Karachi )

Foreign Investment in an economically developing country like Pakistan is considered a blessing for the economy and usually termed as an important factor of economic development.

Our businesses, industrialists and economic managers take several measures to bring foreign investment. Regulators like SECP modify rules and regulations relating to foreign direct investment to gain confidence of foreign investors and provide them an easy way to invest in Pakistan. Our economic managers allow various concessions and tax exemptions and rebates to these foreign investors, as our government has done in Gwader where it has given operational control of Gwader Port to Singapore Port Authority for a period of 40 years and given tax exemption on its income for the same period of time.

However the question arises: should foreign investment be encouraged in Pakistan? In my opinion the sensible answer to such sensitive question is that foreign investment should be limited to a great extent and that should also be closely monitored. I thought of writing this column after reading an eye-opening book " Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" written by John Perkins.

According to the writer, who once was also the member of Economic Hit Men, a group of economists who have the mission of establishing the Global Empire of more powerful countries like USA, Israel,etc. For this purpose, EHM uses corporatocracy (multinational corporations, international financial institutions like IMF, IFC, World Bank,etc.) to make economies of weak third world countries dependent of developed countries and IMF,etc. These MNCs (multinational corporations) establish their businesses in developing and under developed countries, destroy local businesses by selling their products with better quality and at competitive prices. These companies pay heavy taxes to the government and in return gain access to the decision making process especially corporate and tax related policies. These companies creates "consumerism" which is an important factor of poverty and unemployment.

EHM convinces the government of development projects with their services and expertise. The government is asked to take loans for development projects . Then machinery is imported for those projects which puts heavy burden on balance of payment and our imports payments sharply increase due to the import of machinery and repayment of loan with interest. Pakistan allocates a significant amount of its annual budget for the repayment of foreign loan and its interest which is taken on the name of economic development. Once a country is trapped by IMF, World Banks, etc. it can not release itself form it and once such a country defaults in repaying loan, then it has to fulfill the demand of donors like giving the managerial or ownership control of state-run entities, giving access to sea and air routes to the donors, reserving votes in the UN for donor countries and like which ultimately renders the borrowing country the colony of the donor country. According to the writer EHM has done so in Ecuador. America made agreement with the Saudi Arabia in 1974 that the latter will not stop the supply of oil to the former and in consideration to it, the USA will convert the SA in modern and highly developed country. According to the writer Pakistan is the next target of EHM and we can see this happening now when our economic managers withdraw sales tax exemption on exports which will make our exports uncompetitive, they increase rates of sales tax and federal excise duty which will increase the inflation, they will bring education, health and pharma sector into tax net which will increase the difficulties of the masses,they have withdraw subsidies on diesel, petrol, electricity, telephone, wheat,etc which have resulted in the mounting prices of these items, they are increasing power tariffs month by month, they are selecting state-run-entities like Pakistan Railways, Pakistan Post, Civil Aviation Authority,etc to privatize them. However they are not lowering the their personal expenses and expenses of our forces which take away a significant amount of annual budget rendering a very small amount to be spent on health, education and infrastructure which have left our industry in miserable condition all this is happening to take a loan from IMF amounting to $ 7.6 billions!

We should remember that Pakistan is strategically an important country in the world. It is an easy way to Central Asia through Karachi and Gwader Ports which is again a highly sensitive region due to the presence of Israel and oil riched Islamic countries. It has borders with China, India and indirectly with Russia which are the most significant countries of the world. Pakistan is highly riched in minerals and other natural resources and above all Pakistan is a single ideological nuclear Islamic country which is the center f expectations of all the Muslims across the world. To control high oil riched central Asian countries, it is necessary to control Pakistan. To control Pakistan our enemies send their agents to the Pakistan in the name of trade, investment and prosperity. They have used these cosmetic words in a number of countries and remained successful. History tells us that the East India Company was also entered the Indo- Pak Subcontinent on the name of trade and prosperity of the people of subcontinent and once they established their business here they weakened the economy of subcontinent by way of exporting raw material to the Europe at lower prices and importing finished goods and selling them in the subcontinent at higher prices and then they gradually captured the whole subcontinent and ruled over this region for 90 years.

This is an important lesson of history for us. We should be very careful of such slogans like free trade, globalization, economic cooperation and coordination, global village, economic integration, privatization, consumerism,etc.We should find alternatives of IMF,etc and we should coordinate with our friend countries like China, Japan and all Muslim countries. Although this is not an easy task and these measures will certainly cost us lives of several important figures but for the safe future and for the sake of our sovereignty and security we should do this.

Ammar Abdur Rehman
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