(Afshan Rahman, chicago usa)

What will be the first thing that will asked from this UMMAH The answer is About Five times prayers

What was the First prayer offered by Prophet Mohammad[S.A.W]Answer is It was Duher Prayer .

Who will be the First one who enter the Jannah?The answer is Prophet Mohammad S.A.W.

Who is the first one who says Azaan in heaven.Answer is Jibrael [A .S]

Who first wrote with pen .The answer is Hazret Idrees [A.S.]

What was the first verse revealed from Torah.answer is Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem.

What is the most Supreme Ayah in Quran?answer is Ayat al Kursee and surah Al Baqarah ayat 255.

Who ever say SUBHAN ALLAH WA BIHAMDEHI hundred times ,all his sins will be forgiven if they are as such as foam of the sea.

Who ever says LAHI LAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTO MINUZ ZALIMEEN when ever he is in problems Allah will take away all his problems just like He saved YUNUS [A.S]When He was inside the fish stomuch.

Jabir reported that Prophet Mohammad [S.A.W]said whoever says SUBHANNA ALLAHi WA BEHAMDEHI SUBHAN ALLAHIL AZEEM will have a palm tree planted him in Paradise.By Tirmizi].

Afshan Rahman
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