Stop criticize to others!

(Sara saad, Karachi)

We are from that nation who always criticize to others and not seeing that what we do with ourselves . When we listened the news in December 2019 that COVID 19 is spreading rapidly in China and it may be spread in whole world , we immediately understand that it will be a torment from Allah to us but no we always criticize to others , all the Muslims taunting to China that they got punishment from Allah that they do oppressions against Muslims , now my question is that what about ourselves? We are Muslims so why COVID enters in Muslims countries they are non Muslims that’s why they got COVID according to us now why should we have COVID ? The answer is that we always seen sins in others not in ours if we read our Islamic history we find that Hazrat YOUNUS nation is only that one nation who understands the Allah’s torment , they immediately do contrition that’s why they were safe from that black cloud , being a Muslim we should do Tauba when we listened COVID news instead of taunting ,making jokes on them , because It is not a definition of a Muslim . A Muslim is one who submits his will to Almighty Allah and Allah never said to his man that making derider to others . In our Muslim country we see that peoples are selling Haraam meat in restaurants , peoples are making mess in roads and streets by throwing shit , cheating and fraud is common in us, we are farthest from the teaching of Islam if we will continue to this sorry to say this that we have no right to say that we are Muslims.As a truthful Muslim , Now it’s time to make Tauba from the heart pray regular Salah five times a day , recite Quran , spread good lessons to others , do good deeds to others for only your sake because if you do good here definitely will get good there . Not criticize to anyone only give dua for guidance to others because whenever a Muslim gives dua to others Angels also gives that dua back to him .So concentrate to ourselves and try to be a good , honest and truthful Momin from which non Muslims inspired by your words and actions because we have no idea about our life .

Sara saad
About the Author: Sara saad Read More Articles by Sara saad: 3 Articles with 1269 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.