I think the answer would be No for sure.We(mother) are not
supposed to lock down our kitchen ,laundry ,cooking,folding laundry,iron
clothes,cleaning home for countless time ,toddlers pee poo,handling kids and
their tantrums ,screaming,yelling fighting,complaining blah blah blah....we are
still occupied the same way we were before.
In the amid of this pandemic curfew,how we can make our time productive or
useful for ourself which capable us to get out from this frustrated life.I think
we just need to think out of the box for instance,due of this curfew we’re able
to spend more time at home and can manage those stuff which we were unable to do
before.We are completely isolated from our friends,family,relative no
gathering,functions,parties it seems we have more time to find our passion and
hidden talents Which perhaps got overwhelme under
However, apparently it’s pretty obvious that having children’s around ,would
barely let you to think out of the box for yourself.But,if we look around we’ll
find many mothers who are managing and handling pressure in a quite better way
and for the sake of our betterment we should have to seek those
struggling,determined people who helps you to keep motivated and enthusiastic.
“self-care is so important.
You cannot serve from an empty vessel”
I heard this quit often,if a mother is pursuing her career or passion even,in a
quite balanced way so it means she must have doing something wrong with her kids
regarding of upbringing...she must not giving the quality time to her children
which her children needed the most.I still couldn’t understand this thought
process why we think putting 100 percent efforts on your kids upbringing make
your kid a super child no,this is not a practical approach.Deep down-inside we
all know that baby and mother born at the same time ,after child birth she
remains the same human being who had lively Heart and strong feelings,she got
tired ,she had her mood swings,she had her own way of dealing the situation it
wouldn’t be change automatically rather she would think to change in a subtle
way for her satisfaction.
Additionally,it’s significant to understand the human nature which requires self
time,or Me time,which surely apply on mothers too.This self time help mothers
not to be rude unnecessarily with children,listen to them when they needs your
attention,not to scold too much which make you and your child upset and put you
in a feeling of guilt.
“Today I’m giving myself permission
to have a little ‘Me’ time so that I can
Be the best wife,mom,friend,and women
I can possibly be”
However,when I am saying ‘Me’ time I do not mean going out for grocery and
shopping these are the mandatory things which we need to do no matters what.’Me’
time should be a time when you do such things which interests you,brighten your
mood or mind ,engages you and make you happy without your children distractions
calling mama mama ....
Lastly,we all know that motherhood empowers us and enables us to do multiple
task for our children’s and love them unconditionally.But,remember that well-
rested mom both emotionally and physically is a better mother and a wife.When
you’re happy and have peace in your mind,you can be more productive and be able
to upbring your children in a better way.