Causes of shortages in livelihood

(Nadeem Israr, )

Every deed of muslims, should be for the obeying and approval of Allah and His messenger (PBUH). Due to divergence from the Islamic doctrines, disobeying of Allah and His messenger (PBUH), today more or less every person is stuck in problems by some means. Main of them is the shortage of income and unblessingness (Bebarkati) of livelihood (Rizq). Today may be any home look protected from this problem. The main cause of short livelihood is only our bad deeds what has been described in the Soora-a-Shoora that “and what the trouble you get is due to that reason what your hands earned and Allah forgives very much”.

It is spoken by common observation that we are inclined to adopt the difficult sources to solve our problems but our mind does not go to see the easy ways to get the ‘Barkat” in our livelihood. For one who seeks the Barkat, it is necessary that first he know the causes of un-blessings and get rid of it.

If we see around us, we might hardly find any home escaped from the dishonor of livelihood. More homes would look so as where the peoples have no guilt feeling over dishonor of livelihood. The people living in, from marvelous bungalows to narrow cabins look stuck in this disobedience and carelessness. From marriages and other parties to the time of dish washing how much quantity of curry, rice and breads are drained out we all know and usually we overlook this cause of shortage in the livelihood.

Ummul Momineen Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqua (RA) tells that “while the ruler of Madina (PBUH) came to his cabin, saw a piece of bread, lifted it up cleaned, ate and then said “ Ayesha, respect this good thing, this thing (bread) did not came again there from where it has moved”.

There are many reasons except dishonor of livelihood which cause for the shortage of un-blessingness i.e. the habit of much sleeping (it also creates illiteracy), doing sins specially telling lie, calling parents with their names, not caring for lifting the food grains from the underneath, leaving the garbage in home, laziness in performing prayers, eating without washing hand, delaying in eating although food has been served, not cleaning to the eaten plates, leaving uncovered the plates from which ate and most important of them, eating without saying Bismillah. The religious scholars say that increased nails are also the cause of shortage of livelihood.

Frequently people complain that the shortage of livelihood is so severe that the quantity of grocery which last by the month end now finishes at the middle of the month. If it would be seen carefully it will be known that people are unmindful to the Sunnet of saying Bismillah before they eat. Syedina Huzaifa (RA) tells that Huzoor (PBUH) said “On which food, the Bismillah is not cited, the satan gets along with it” (Sahee Muslim) so as the same way, this is quite clear from it that if Bismillah is not cited, the blessings (Barkat) lives going.

Once Abbasid caliph Mamoon Rasheed invited to Hadba Bin Khalid (R.A.) to his home. During the feast whatever the food grains were fell on the underneath, he used to eat lifting them. Mamoon asked astonishingly “Ye Sheikh! Your belly didn’t fill so far”. He said “ why not, Hazrat Hammad Bin Salma has told a Hadith to me that “ One who eat lifting the fallen food grains will have never face the shortage of income” I am acting upon this Hadith”. Listening that Mamoon was highly impressed and called to servant who brought one thousand dinars tied in a handkerchief. Mamoon presented it to Hazrat Hadba Bin Khalid. Hazrat Hadba Bin Khalid said Alhamdollilah the blessing of acting upon Hidth appeared quickly.

Most often it has been listened to people that “the boost is going to happen in the wealth of haram accepting and spending life full of sins’ person’s wealth”. In this regard understand that it a dangerous trick of devil. If you think in this way, so only non-muslim and pagans are seen as per worldly success. The acquiring of worldly wealth and success in spite of non-believing and sins is not due to privilege, so muslims should solve their problems according to the light of Quran and Hadiths instead of sticking in evil doubts. If we try to solve our problems according to the saying of Allah and His messengers (PBUH)’s orders then we must be successful to acquire unlimited benefits of this world and hereafter.

Nadeem Israr
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