Human Right Violations in Pakistan (Child Abuses)

(Shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)

There are no words to describe my own feeling about child abuses cases in Pakistan. Unfortunately, it is a desperately increasing number of child abuses in Pakistan. It is a very painful moment for us being as Muslim Community, we should not tolerate any sexually victimization with children. We should fight against miscreants who have involved such type of activities in Pakistan. It is need to imposed strict punishment for those who have involved child abuses cases. It will not easily for us to eradicate evils in our society. We should not cooperate to face the music.

Nevertheless, we should buildup barrier around it otherwise the child abuses cases may not end. A day after day, the number of child abuses ratio is increasing in Pakistan. What is going on? Where is the law? Who may implement the law? Who have responsible to binds burrier against the miscreants? It is definitely, the role of police in this is regard is very important even high judiciary too. The miscreants have been using children as a piece of meal for self satisfaction? Sorry to say, that role of Police officials is very disappointed in this regard. Even they fail to arrest criminals. They will not take precautionary measures to build barrier against miscreants.

In January, 2019 to 15 September, 2020 approximately, 2852 children and women abducted and were report in Pakistan as per by Sahal organization. In the half a dozen cases reported about teenage boys and girls even this report includes rape, assault, intimidation and victimization for ulterior motives. In late 2018, the hundreds of child abuses cases reported in various police stations in Pakistan but unfortunately, few of them are highlighted. Even hundred of such child abuse incidents have not been registered due to family pressure or fear of dishonor of the family members. Moreover, lack of information and fear of Police stations are the big reason to register a FIR against miscreants. The aforementioned, circumstances the police officials should give confidence to the public which is most influence source to eradicate evils from societies.

It is pertinent to mentioned here that child abuse cases are causes of ignorance and moreover, it has shown disrupted social system. Our Social system is totally abolished in current scenario to eradicate social evil from societies. We have no power to reduce it even no one capable to stop these evils because we get rid of Islamic values even forget enlightenment of forefathers teaching.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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