Not just a boycott of rivals/hostile enemies/opposers

(Manhaj As Salaf, Peshawar)

A Muslim who claims to love the Messenger of Allah (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), and a disbeliever who insults the glory of the Messenger of Allah, (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) by making caricature or by other means. And the Muslims who rightly get very angry upon the disbeliever such attitude.

My humble advise for myself and for other Muslims would be that sure to apply these points to your life, which are shared in simple language in this post. Once we would apply that in our life.. then the disbelievers wouldn't dare to do such an action at all. The points are below:

1. To believe in the tawheed of Allaah and to understand Tawheed from the details of all three components of tawheed, and to understand Tawheed al-Hakamiyat is the ultimate result of the call to the three basic component of Tawheed, mentioned above.

2. Understanding the four types of shirk which are interpreted as the four rules of shirk (al-qawaaid ularbah).

3. Inviting towards good deeds such as growing a long beard, treating one's parents well, treating relatives kindly, not lying at all, not taking or giving bribes, abstaining from the Usury. To be honest in actions of worldly affairs or about deen, to love every aspect of sunnah like maswaak.

4. Women should wear strict hijab and veil in front of non-mahram men, and men should not look at other women without a shar'i (legislated) reason.

5. Men praying in the masaajid 5 times a day or at least trying to do it, 1. Paying Zakat on their wealth once a year (at least, meaning that is fardh zakaath, and the more one pay sadaqaath is better for them), Men keeping their pants/shalwaar above their ankles (all the time).

6. Gaining in-depth knowledge of the religion and the world, following the Muslim authorities, and not exposing the sins of the rulers, nor backbiting from the mimber against them (hukkaam) by mentioning their name, etc., etc. Only people of juhhaal from the aqeedah and manhaj of salaf would do these actions from mimbers (pulpit).

Otherwise, just reciting polytheistic or non-polytheistic naats, chanting slogans, kissing the thumb in the name of the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), does not give any benefit at all neither Qur'an and sunnah talks about these things to do.

In the same way, holding processions of organizers, which does not clear the monotheism (tawheed) of Allaah neither it clear cut way rejects the polytheism (shirk) from the ummah, even such processions (جلسہ جلوس) does not help.

May Allah grant us the jurisprudence (تفقہ) and understanding of Shari'ah and help us to learn the deen and then practice it ourselves and then spread it among others with sincerity and help us to stay away from innovations, Ameen.

1. Or at least in the first stage, start praying 5 times a day, even if you are praying alone (today, people have stopped praying, let alone going to the masjid, we seek refuge in Allaah from such habits).

Manhaj As Salaf
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