(Samra Ameer Ali, Karachi)

In the modern era, environmental pollution has become one of the biggest issues in society. Every day our environment is polluted with harmful and poisonous gases from the factories, wastage of water, and no proper management of disposing off the garbage. All these issues raised so many questions in society. What ethical practices should businesses and society perform in order to make our environment better? Do people know that which of their actions are a threat to the environment?

Our environment is affected daily in many ways by people; every second person in our society is involved in polluting the environment, throwing wastage materials, garbage, wrappers, plastic bags on the roads. When these plastic bags after coming in contact with the water go into the sewerage lines it blocks the flow of water which results in the water staying on the road. Also, this year in Karachi in 12 hours 233 mm rain results in massive flooding in the areas of Karachi, not only Karachi other cities of Pakistan were also affected. The misery of people increases because of rain the roads were blocked, traffic jam and no electricity in the areas for many days. Many years back an oil spill from the oil tanker at the Clifton beach Karachi had polluted the water in which thousands of marine life died, and the wings of the birds were also coated with oil. This water pollution not only affected fishes and crabs but also the area close to the sea view. Roads were sealed, restaurants were closed all this happened because of improper management. Poisonous gases from the factories, gases from cars, rickshaws, and buses also the smoke from the burned garbage produces many harmful gases and pollutes the air which results in various diseases. Pollution is not the only major problem deforestation is becoming the major issue, cutting down of trees in order to get wood for making furniture and paper also produces carbon dioxide which is harmful gas reducing the amount of oxygen in the air. Clearing the land in order to develop a factory, plant, and tourist places results in the extinction of plants and animals and producing greenhouse gases. Businesses are deforesting due to the lack of government involvement that can stop them from these unethical practices. Contaminated water full of chemicals, toxins when goes into the river, lakes and seas pollute the water and harm not only the marine life but also the human beings as the drinking water comes from the rivers and lakes. Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad face noise pollution on the daily basis, noise from traffic like buses, cars, rickshaws affects the health of people, the disturbance in their sleep, hearing problems.

All these unethical activities and practices can only be stopped if people unite with each other for the betterment of the environment. Planting more trees, avoid wastage of water, factories should try using biodegradable products that can easily be decomposed and make the environment healthy and sustainable.

Samra Ameer Ali
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