(Hafiz Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

 That was a Chechen family consisting of three women and two men. One of the women was pregnant and the other family members were taking her to a hospital in Quetta as they were expecting a baby! They didn’t know that their bad luck was calling them! Perhaps, that was not their bad luck but their time for death reached! The whole family, unfortunately, entered Pakistan crossing the border as they were on the way to a hospital!

Despite having all necessary legal documents to enter a country, they were stopped many times by Pakistani BRAVE POLICEMEN and the Chechen family had to pay bribery again and again and at last, they could not save any money! Although the family had Russian passports with valid Iranian visa, they were blamed to be terrorists and shot dead by Police and Frontier Corps at a security check post!

The BARVE POLICEMEN and FC exaggerated their exploit, killing innocent people and accused them of terrorists or suicide attackers! The police performed its real role to demand bribery as it is a tradition for it! After killing them, the police officials and military officers claimed that they killed terrorists who wanted to commit suicide attacks at the security check post! How pity it is that they told a lie so easily that they were not afraid of Almighty! Also they claimed to confiscate 56 detonators, 2 kgs of liquid explosive and 2 hand-grenade pins! If they found these things, why not they showed to the media?! Actually this is the media that exposed and revealed the secret and removed the curtain and displayed the real barbaric face of Pakistani police and Frontier Corps.

I am unable to forget the pictures of the family found on internet! One of the women near check post was lying and reciting the God’s words as she was wounded! Remaining family members passed away lying together! Also there is a very regrettable picture in which the dead body of the baby is shown after autopsy that was killed in its mother’s abdomen due to bullets! Three bullets were passed through the baby and its eyes were opened and the tongue was out of the mouth! What was the guilt of the baby?

I am afraid to say that Pakistani police and law enforcement agencies are useless! Their deeds have ashamed the whole nation! They just know to persecute innocent people and this is the easiest deed for them! They can neither secure Pakistan nor themselves as PNS Mehran’s incident is before us! Just few of the terrorists kept fighting 16 hours and the police, rangers and commandos could not overcome them properly! What they did with the Chechen family is condemnable and Allah Almighty is watching each and everything! Why not they think of their life after death?! Aren’t they afraid of Allah’s punishment?! Do they think that they will not die ever?! Who will save them when they will be brought in Allah’s court?! I suggest them that they should repent upon their bad deeds and ask Allah for forgiveness and vow not to do any bad deeds in future!

Hafiz Muhammad Noman
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