Persons with disabilities have been part of all the societies
and they face a lot of social barriers in all societies. Pakistan has a long way
to goin order to change social attitudes towards persons with disabilities.
PWD patients have always struggled for being recognized by the people, they try
to create space for themselves and to make themselves feel accepted in our
society. People with disabilities face more challenges in their lives than
normal people and they are exposed to many social barriers which affect their
daily lives regularly. Due to these social barriers, people with disabilities
PWD fail to participate in any social or economic activities.They often face
sympathy and pity towards themselves and this shatters their self-confidence and
self-worth and they fail to recognize themselves as part of reputable society.
Back then they were considered unhealthy, defective, feared and pitied, the
society made them feel left out, they made them feel incapable of contributing
to society but by time awareness has been created and attitude of people towards
PWD patients has been changed in some segments.
The Government does not take any proper majors for the well-being of PWD, they
get neglected by all the sectors from the very beginning, and they get unheard
and uncounted in this country. People need to realize that they cannot be
neglected and they also deserve proper respect and stability in their lives.
People’s behavior towards them makes them feel shallow and isolated. People’s
stares and pity looks does not help themin any way but ratherleave them
depressed and questioned. The treatment they get towards themselves is very
heartbreaking, some families think of them as a burden and sometimes they are
also excluded from the major events and left alone. People treat them with the
ways which they don’t deserve. Their self-confidence is shattered and they feel
left out from the society because of the disgust behavior and attitude of people
towards them. They deserve to be treated with positive and kind attitude as the
behavior plays an important part in building the confidence of the person.
Health issues Faced by Women with Disabilities:
Women with disability face different health problems, people remove their
reproductive organs and this takestheir reproductive rights away but it also
complicates their plans for marriage. Women with disabilities can’t be assisted
by men because of the cultural barrier of our society and they face different
challenges because there are many few female nurses available.
PWD (Person with disabilities) feel that they are a burden for their families
and dealing with them is difficult. When people look at them with pity it makes
them feel uncomfortable and it shatters their self-confidence. The unwanted
stares of people and intrusive questions of people causes them depression and
Basic Human Rights:
They do not get the essential rights by the government. In air transport, They
have no access to aisle of chairs even in public places there are no lifts or
ramps for the wheelchair bounded people even they do not have access to many
public places. The roads do not have any parking slots for them. This is very
saddening that they are not getting the same treatment as other human beings.
The ignorance of some people is such that they call PWD (People with
Disabilities) cursed or as a punishment for family. Only their families knows
how much they are suffering and going through. Parents of children with
disabilities also need help to cope with the situation because it is not easy
for them as well to see their children living a dependent life.
It is high time for Pakistan to treat Disabled people like normal people because
they are also humans and they also have their human rights. In public transport,
schools, colleges and universities there should be a ramp for their wheelchairs
and they should get equal employement opportunities infact they should get
special privileges because they deserve it. Because only the family of disabled
person knows how much societal pressure they are dealing with in their daily