Virtues of Lailat ul-Qadr (Night of Power)

(Seerat Shahina, )

Lailat ul-Qadr' or Night of Power is a very important occasion in the history of Islam and in our lives. Various other names are given to this night like Night of Decree, Night of Honor, Night of Measures or Night of Destiny. Night of Qadr comes with blessings and mercy of God. According to many Muslim sources, its exact date is uncertain but it is one of the odd-numbered nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, the ninth month of Islamic Calendar. Lailat ul-Qadr is the crowning glory of the sacred month of Ramadhan. Al-Qadr (Power) is the 97th chapter of the Qu`ran with 5 verses. It is a Meccan Surah.
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Innaa anzalnaahu fee lailatil qadr.1
We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power
Wa maa adraaka ma lailatul qadr.2
And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?
Lailatul qadri khairum min alfee shahr.3
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
Tanaz zalul malaa-ikatu war roohu feeha bi izni-rab bihim min kulli amr.4
The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter.
Salaamun hiya hattaa mat la'il fajr.5
Peace until the rising of the dawn

Lailat al Qadr, the Night of Power, marks the night in which the Qur'an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) by Allah Almighty. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) continued to receive revelations of the Quran for the next 23 years. Muslims regard this as the most important event in their lives and in history of the world. It is a tribute to the commencement of the message revealed to mankind by their Creator, a message which contains the solution of everything and the way to achieve happiness in both the worlds. The Quran says that it was during Ramadan that its revelation took place:
“Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur´an, as a guide to mankind.”

Do you know and can you imagine what the night of power is? It is better than thousand months. In that blessed night, every wise affair is determined by a divine command from Almighty Allah.
Some periods of time have special and unique blessings associated with them. The foremost of these opportunities are the last ten nights of Ramadan. According to a tradition, the blessings due to the acts of worship during this night cannot be equaled even by worshipping throughout an entire lifetime.
"Whoever stands (in worship) during the night of Al-Qadr out of conviction, belief in the promise of Allah and seeking reward then all of their previous sins would be forgiven.”
(Sahi Bukhari)

During Ramadan and especially in search of Lailat ul-Qadr People usually perform night prayers (Nawafil) read the Qur`an and observe i'tikaf. In fact, giving charity or helping the people really in need on Lailat ul-Qadr means that rewards for such a deed will come back manifold. A person who spends this one night engaged in true worship, with tranquillity of the heart, humility and submission along with fear of Allah will receive the reward for more than 1000 months of worship.
“And who ever has Taqwa of Allah, Al mighty Allah make all his matters easy for him”.

Mentioned in verse 4, the Night of Power is a great night because Allah has blessed this night, therein descend the angels and the Spirit (Rooh), with their Lord`s permission. Lailat ul-Qadr holds additional value and significance as a night in which angels descend to earth with a myriad of tasks with the permission and command of Allah Almighty. Thousands of manifestations and mazahir occur on the earth. All the decrees of the coming year are sent down such as destiny of each person, who will live and who will die, what provisions each person will have, and what will happen to the celestial systems and Earth for that year, and all else.

Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “It is written in Umm al Kitab (the Heavenly copy of the Qur’an) during Lailat ul-Qadr what shall come to pass in the following year of good and evil, sustenance, and lifespan. Even the pilgrimage of the pilgrim (shall be decided); it will be said (on this night) ‘so-and-so will perform pilgrimage’.”

The Holy Quran contains many scientific signs in Astronomy and Cosmology. In the great mathematical universe, there are great mathematical laws and calculations. These laws bear witness to Allah′s Wisdom and also His favors to His creatures. We all benefit from the energy and light, stars, as generating light and planets, as reflecting light. (25: 61, 71:16) “The sun and the moon follow courses (exactly) computed; (55:5). In everything there is a miraculous accuracy.

Thousands of angels on Night of Power are streaming the assigned tasks on the earth. The angels do budget of each and every matter of the universe. They continuously work and complete the process and fix everything that Night of Power round the globe. On this night, Allah informs the angels, of the events that will happen in the coming year, and He instructs them to copy it from Al-Lawh Al-Mahfoodh (the preserved tablet) 85:22, such is the fact that God is completely involved in and in control of our affairs on Earth and much of its wisdom’s unknown to us, which we cannot grasp.

The last Verse explains, it is all peace from sun-set till morning; there is no interference of evil in it. The doors of repentance and Allah’s Mercy are always open but this night is special for unlimited blessings, forgiveness and divine guidance until the dawn.

Seerat Shahina
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