Life is a journey.

(Seerat Shahina, )

Life is anything that grows and eventually dies. Life is a journey filled with joys, celebrations, lessons, hardships, sorrows and memories that will ultimately lead us to our destination. The journey of life is different for everyone, for someone it is smooth while for others it is very hard.

We can choose to live right path to make the journey pleasant, Peaceful and comfortable.

We meet different people on our journey, they all play some kind of role. Some may stay for a lifetime; others may only stay for a short while. The Parents and elders, of the family teach and guide their children about their religion, in education, in their career and how to move in a society with a set of boundaries. All the people need help of each other in whole life.

People experience moments of success and happiness as well as occasions of sorrows and miseries. Hardships and failure can affect people in different ways, for example loss in business, unemployment, chronic diseases, failing exams, family issues are few of them. Failures highlight some weaknesses within us. Failure is unpleasant and undesirable due to the adverse consequences.

Allah, The Almighty tests the faith and patience of the believer through hardship.

“He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving”. (The Quran- 67:2, 2:28)

When failures become consistently in life, in spite of struggle and hard work, then people often get depressed and lose their hope. Many become pessimistic. Fear of failure can lead to a broad range of emotional and psychological problems, including shame, depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem. It may affect negatively on performance and interaction with family, friends and at work. There are many powerful verses in the Holy Quran that can help against failure:

“And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent”
(The Quran 65:3,)

Our present Life is clearly given to enable us to strive by good deeds to reach a nobler state. All this is possible, because Allah is so Exalted in Might that He can perfectly carry out His Will and Purpose, and that Purpose is Love, Mercy, and Goodness to His creatures. The mysteries of life and death are in His hands. How we reach the destination makes all the difference. The destination too is actually a peaceful place if we keep the right perspective.

People strive to get comfortable life, better future, good reputation and fame to contribute in a society. As a matter of fact, the existence of mankind on this earth is mixed with pain and suffering. This is the reality of human life. Actually difficulties, and failures are the challenges of life and without challenges there would be nothing to achieve. People usually overcome these challenges with struggle, courage and hard work.

Sometimes people get upset due to hurdles in achieving their favorite job or anything else. They don’t realize these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don't realize that at that time.

“Perhaps you hate a thing that is best for you, and you love a thing that is bad for you. Allah knows, while you know not”. (The Quran 2:216)

This is why it is important to remain steadfast, and believe in Allah (Swt) and His Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) and give them priority over anything.

None of us is free of sins. Making mistakes and committing sins, deliberately or unintentionally is human nature. Our faith sometimes weakens and we cannot control our desires. The Quran describes these sins throughout the texts and demonstrates that some sins are more punishable than others in the hereafter. On this journey our stay in this world is temporary and our final destination is here after. The idea at beginning of our journey will not be the same as at the end. The longest journey requires some preparation. Every day our journey takes us closer to Allah. Only Allah Almighty knows which day is our last day in this world, as He kept this knowledge exclusively to Himself. it is important to check what we have packed for this journey. Allah, the Exalted and Glorious tells us the best provision is taqwa (fulfilling obligations and refraining from prohibitions). Allah, (Swt) always gives people the opportunity to ask for forgiveness and repent for their mistakes and sins.

"And verily the Hereafter will be better for thee than the present". (The Quran 93:4)

Seerat Shahina
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