Mistrust against Instituations

(Syed Haseen Abbas Madani, Karachi)

Confusion has been established up to such a level that the common man has lost his confidence upon his leaders and Institutions.

People were looking towards Army, then Judiciary or Establishment. Hopes have been died and we are finding no way to survival. Governance has the strong and blunt weapon to slaughter the common man either by high prices or directly by the lethal killing medicines.

I do not know, if the total mechanism is driven through an strategy to bring the common man to such a boiling point, where the provocation may be established to such an stage that anarchy and Chaos will be the result. This is just because of Muslim enmity.

There is no doubt that the enemy has been targeted our Nuclear Assets and all the planning is around this task. They have found our men for this treacherous act.

Our elite class is just under their control and believes that the prosperity and future is under the western civilization, and Islam is a conservative and practically impossible to follow.

The common man is also, behind the elite class, also struggling to upgrade their living with the western way of life. What we have already been adopted the western Democracy which is not suitable for our culture. Since the existence of the country our leaders are inclined towards the so called modernization with out Allah fearing they believe that this is the only time that they can make their live bright and comfortable by hook or crook. Corruption is the main source to achieve better life style, without having a vision of the worst out of it.

The two nation theory is denied and claiming that the creation of Pakistan was the out come of Economical dis-balance between the nations of the sub-continent. It is totally wrong. Muslims were feeling uncomfortable with out their religious independence.

Economy has no place in Islam as we believe that Allah is the only Razzaq, our duty is to obey Allah, and we should be careful to adopt our life style according to His only instructions that is Quraan. The Economic consideration of life is the route cause of corruption, in Quraan Allah says that, Allah is the only authority who decides for the mankind, to provide deeds and needs according to the well wishing of the individuals, and He knows what is the best for a person. He has created the mankind only to worship Him not to make dunes of money and valuables.

The western wisdom, analyzes that the economical unrest is the reason of Revolution.

This may be true in the Satanic society but not for Muslims. Economical dis balance is always due to injustice, for which Islam promotes justice not the Economics. The beautiful Islamic Revolution was not for Economical reasons but for the Justice between mankind and for the mental peace which is always under the obedience of Allah.

At present the route cause of unrest is the injustice, which is the out come of corruption, and the wish of more and more. Allah instructs us to be strong by all means and specially with the Arms to protect ourselves (The Nation/our offspring) and be strong to spread the teaching of Islam for the peaceful life for mankind on earth.

The enemies have gathered to omit our existence and to capture our Nuclear Assets and to fulfill their old dream to invade the world, to handle the maximum population as their slaves, actually this is the Zionists have already been planned.

They are naming Muslims as terrorist but what is the actual phenomena, that they have killed millions of men just for their supremacy. Their Idea of Peace and love is totally a trap.

It seems very clear that all the powers in Pakistan have compromised to save the system and to have their looting maximum as they can. Here is no Governance and no body cares the common man and his betterment. They are not interested to save Pakistan but they are trying their utmost to save this rotten Democracy which is providing them maximum chance to make maximum money. They have concluded that very shortly they will handover this to some one else and will pack their assets and will fly to some where else for their own created heaven.

Insha Allah this will never happen. Anchor persons are asking what will happen then?

Let me explain that Allah says that if you can't deliver, I can arise any other nation to control all this and will remove you from the face of earth.

The time is very near, country men have tired of looking towards Establishment, Army and Chief Justice but it gives no hope, either the total population should come out to solve this problem according to the will of Allah otherwise the final order will come from Allah.

There are predictions for this period, the holy saint Shah Nematullah Wali says that the peoples of long hair will come down from the mountains and will clean India of kuffars (unfaithful of Allah) and in the month of Ramadan (he has given two names) Habibullah saheb-e-Quraan and Usman will hold their swords for Jihad and after that there will be Islam every where.

The enemy is more sure than Muslims that it will happen and they are trying their utmost to change this prediction, but Allah's orders can never be changed.

The critical point is for us, that we should understand the situation and should decide what to do and how to tackle this period, otherwise our survival is not guaranteed.

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 83478 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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