What is the way out?

(Syed Shafi Ahmed Zubairi, Karachi)

Everyone these days seems to be talking about the elections, and its impact on federation of Pakistan, the ever high anti Pakistan and anti Army sentiment in Sindh, Balochistan and FATA. The ordinary Pakistanis, middle and lower class in particular, are faced with a long list of other serious crises (making their daily lives a misery) which, unfortunately, have got very little attention. Latest in the list are the Power crisis/Load-shedding, water, Sui Gas and Flour or Wheat crisis.

The Power crisis or Load-shedding has been so severe since last 3 weeks or so that here in Karachi, we feel like living in caveman’s era. After every 30 minutes electricity goes off and we have to sit in the candle lights (except for the 11% who have generator and wander around in the darkness. There are many areas of old city which are often without any electricity, gas or water for entire day in this weather.

There have been difficult situations since the creation of Pakistan but I do not think ever before so many crises have hit us in such quick succession. During last two years, particularly, we have seen nothing but crises, one after the other, and not a single one handled properly by government. It would Not be wrong if we remember 2012 as a Year of Crises for Pakistan. On most occasions, authorities could have controlled situation by strict administration and better management. The inability to act and indifferent among the top government officials on these serious issues is astonishing, especially when elections are just around the corner. How can Q-league candidates even think of coming to people and ask for votes considering the terrible situation after their 5 years rule? Or may be enough votes have already been managed . Everybody seems to be interested in power game and political survival and there is no plan of action to handle the very basic problems. Nobody is coming forward from government authorities, explaining the cause of, for example the flour crisis, and informing public on the actions being taken to improve the situation.

The year 2013 has brought several gifts for Pakistanis including the Bijli, Paani, Sui Gas and Aata Buhraan (power, water, natural gas and flour crises). Yes water too because not many people understand the connection between water supply with the availability of electricity in Pakistan. The tube-wells which supply water to most cities are run by electricity. I remember about 2-3 years ago, when there used to be criticism on PPP Government that all decisions are made somewhere else and they just say Yes Boss (dummies). Mr.Zardari gave an interview on News Paper and highlighted the point that he does not interfere at all in government operations and the only things he looks after is the war against terrorism and the future power needs of Pakistan. I am sure many of you remember the presentations and news clip from aiwan-e-sadr (Presidential Palace) which used to appear on news channels daily and then the press briefings with claims of new dams (including Kala Bagh dam) to be built and a plan has been made to fulfill Pakistan power needs for next 20 years. So, what happened to our tax money that has been wasted on funky presentations and planning and no actions and results?

Well, the result is that after last year nightmare situation in Karachi and some other parts of the country, now there is a serious Power Crisis in the ENTIRE country. Here in LKarachi, we are facing load-shedding up to 7-8 hours a day in main areas (that is in Karachi) and things are not improving. Initially the load-shedding was for 30 minutes after every 2 hours but since last week, they do it after every 1 hour during the day time and every 30 minutes after 5 PM (for 30 minutes mostly and 1 hour in between). The most irritating part of this load-shedding is that NO schedule whatsoever has been published for people to know and try to manage things in a better way. I was watching News Channels and they were showing reports of rural areas of entire country where they are getting electricity for only 2-4 hours a day. Every indication of things getting even worse in January/February. Well, welcome to 2013.

Syed Shafi Ahmed Zubairi
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