Status Of Women In Islam

(Muhammad Latif Chaudhery, Lahore, Pakistan)

According to the Book of ALLAH, noble goal of the development of human personality can be easier to achieve in a benevolent society (9:111, 16:71, 43:32, 59:9). In this situation the individual and the society complement each other (14:34). At the outset, it is imperative for you, O Mankind, to know that all of you, men and women, have a common origin. Your Lord began the creation of life at the unicellular level. There was one life cell that divided into two, male and female (6:99). Evolution took place, as has been alluded to in this Book (16:8, 20:50, 21:30, 22:45, 30:20, 31:28, 51:49). Eventually, numerous men and women came into existence on the earth. Since all of you have this common origin, you must consider all mankind as one community (10:19, 57:25). Your first step in that direction is to strengthen your family relations. Be careful of your duty to ALLAH in Whose Name you expect rights from one another. ALLAH ever Watches over you.

The only two objections raised about the status of women in Islam are (1) the superiority of husband over wife as in verse 34 of Sura 4 and (2) polygamy as in Verse 3 of Sura 4.

Verse 34 of Sura 4, as is evident from its wording deals with the rights and privileges of men and women in a society which undoubtedly are equal if not identical. (We have created all human beings to be equally worthy of respect (-Qur’an 17:70)

This verse is an ordinance delineating roles and responsibilities of wife and husband in their wedded life, and describes the best of their behavioural attitude towards each other. Husband is made responsible for the external security and financing of a home while wife is enjoined with the role of internal security and safeguard of the sanctity of their connubial relations This is because a home plays an important role in the civilized life of man. It is a small world in itself. An individual is born, brought upon and trained in family atmosphere generally, and this naturally leaves an everlasting impression on him. His character and habits are developed at home, and in the family, and these factors are responsible for his future career. This is the reason why the Qur’an has laid so much emphasis on family life and has touched even the minute aspects of it in most elaborate form. In a family, the role of its head is very important as the entire responsibility of family management rests on him, particularly at the stage when children are in their tender age. He has to protect himself as well as his family members from all kinds of troubles and difficulties. No department or society can run without a known set of rules, procedures and a specific channel of command in which managers and senior are always obeyed and respected not because they are of superior brand but because of the requirements of the institution. All members are equally respectable as human beings yet no one claims that he is as good as his seniors. and should not be punished for his faults. For Home-life the Creator has devised a specific arrangement saying:

“The men are made responsible for the women by what God has preferred them over each other and for what they have spent of their monies. The righteous women will accept this arrangement and honour their husbands during their absence”. (Qur’an 4:34)

A woman by marrying a husband accepts this arrangement most willingly as commandment of her Creator and has no complaint unless husband misuses the privilege. Any woman who does not feel inclined to accept this arrangement may not marry

Now coming to remedial measures The Quran says ( 4:34) if a woman derelict her responsibilities, she should be made aware of the consequences, or may be separated ( in bed) temporarily and given up for the good with the condition that the husband will not find excuses to tease her, if she elects to conciliate. There seems nothing unjustified in this arrangement.

Some people are alarmed with the word Dharb in verse 4:34 which could mean “and beat them for correction as a last resort ”. The word Dharb is a multimeaning word which include “ dharb’ means example” as in 13:17, 16:74, 36:13; ‘dharb’ means to stop as in 18:11, 43:5.] – Dharb means to embark upon a journey as in 4:101 - Strike the road (begin to travel) as in 4:101 - To give examples as in 4:34, 13:17, 16:74, 36:13, 43:58 To abstain from something as in 43:5 - To stop or prevent as in 4:34, 43:5 - To strike someone or something as in 2:60, 8:12, 7:160-161.

In order to ascertain suitability of the meaning of word Dharb in verse 4:34 we better go a little farther. After the couple has tried all means of reconciliation, ALLAH ddresses the society saying “And if you fear a breach between the two”. This indicate that the episode continuing in verse 4:34 has ended in the circumstances leading to a breach or permanent separation and not physical beating of the wife.

As for polygamy emanating from verse 3 of Sura 4 reading “ If you fear that the society shall not be able to do justice with orphans, (as may happen in times of war and political turbulence, the government shall announce a state of Emergency). In order to accommodate widows and orphans, men of sound finances and character shall be encouraged to marry these widows; two, three, and four (4:127). If you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly, then you must not take additional wives, and may continue with what you already have (4:129). This will prevent injustice and financial hardship. (Second marriage where the aforementioned conditions are not fulfilled is a FRANK violation of the Qur’an).

This I think is all that of which hills are raised upon moles.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
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